Friday, August 20, 2010

Southpark Subtitled Streaming

and justice Lori Berenson was born

is not tore the hair out by an American linked to terrorism. There is a plaintive complaint by someone who is guilty and that the softness of the courts released him. This is disrespect for court decisions, the result of due process. We have been amazed how revoke an order of semi-freedom to the delight of the most reactionary and backward by the Executive. It is the little or no independence of the judiciary. But in addition to violating the guarantees of res judicata, it strikes with the doomed and your child. The media have inherited from the period fujimontesinista a way of acting as if the journalistic lynching was a tool at the service of the repressive authority of the State. That squad cargamontón own black shirts that encircle the respondent to block his path, to trip, desperate and harass without any consideration, aims to be the expression of the rejection of "good citizens" to anyone they consider dangerous to the democratic system.

We saw recently when Pizango returned to Peru. We saw it when Ollanta Humala was reaching the point of controversy with Alan Garcia, 2006. We saw and suffered also when the end of the mega-trial against the MRTA, outside the Callao Naval Base, reporters pounced on the family, with blinding spotlights, cameras and recorders metiéndoles front of his face, riddled with questions and preventing freedom of movement. Any resistance to this massive assault is interpreted as "an attack to the press. " Have done just that Lori Berenson. And so the world has seen.

say that we should not make "no concessions to terrorism that has caused 69 000 victims in the country." That sounds like a cliche or chewing gum, is the refrain repeated by robots that do not differentiate the casualties caused by insurgent groups that caused the state terrorism. Lt. Telmo Hurtado, murderer of children and the elderly in Accomarca, when he was extradited, was not lynched by the press or repudiated by the false interpreters of the public. Needless to say, those who govern us, García and Giampietri, are guilty of killing larger of political prisoners in Latin America.

For thieves, white collar prison is a paradise of St. George. For terrorists of State impunity. For the corrupt and genocidal re-election. Former paramilitary Rodrigo Franco Command now work in government positions, some are part of the return of Congress and will retire with the law 20530. Lori Berenson, accused of collaborating with terrorists, knowing that she did not kill bombed, the opposite applies.

No wonder bourgeois nationalism, which hosted that militants as Mekler and Torres Caro, which is painted an alternative to unbridled capitalism, to join the shouting hysterically of the bourgeoisie. And the nationalist newspaper that only fools believe left-reported that he had shady dealings under the table between Garcia and Obama to free Berenson. (Thanks Don Caesar!) But remember that Ollanta Humala, in the controversy of 2006, Alan Garcia agreed to not raise the issue of human rights. He himself was in favor of the cessation of military trials to fight the insurgency. And he, as his bishop Abugattás, demonstrated against Lori Berenson day release in May 2010. Now Pedro Santos, National Congress, said that "the judiciary is acting as it should be. We are acting without international pressure. Eso es lo más rescatable". Muy poco se puede esperar de quien tiene un hermano abandonado a su suerte tras las rejas por haber cometido delito de rebelión.

La peligrosidad de Lori Berenson o el riesgo de reincidencia sólo pueden ocurrírsele a un ignorante. El MRTA dejó de existir y no hay una situación política favorable al reinicio de la lucha armada. Los expresos del MRTA se han reincorporado a la sociedad y tratan de hacer política por medios democráticos. A ninguno de los excarcelados tupacamaristas le ha tocado padecer un calvario como el de Lori Berenson. Entonces debemos suponer que detrás de toda esta fanfarria hay otras razones que nadie del gobierno se atreve a confesar. Se trataría de un caso ejemplar que qualifies for global propaganda, showing "inflexibility" to foreign interference and the possible waiver of covenants, agreements and conventions on human rights. Are in between the compensation to the accused and convicted of terrorism by military courts during the dictatorship of Fujimori-Montesinos, who were denied due process.

have in your hands a film victim to arm the Roman circus: a woman and a foreigner. On the courage of Alan Garcia with foreign women, good reputation can give his wife Pilar Nores, who has chosen to be prudent. The subject Valiente that governs us. Very brave against helpless women, against prisoners surrendered (1986) and against children defenseless villagers. __._,_.___

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Wendy Calio San Antonio Hooters

APRA Front Natural Resources Defense

The first meeting convened for that purpose was held on Tuesday 10 August, with the presence of six organizations in the local Student Integration, setting the agenda for the next meeting. At the second meeting, on Tuesday 17 August involved colleagues from: Collective The Amautas, Student Integration (EI), José María Arguedas Movement, Movement All Voices Revolutionary Student Front (FER-San Marcos), Movimiento Release 19, July (ML - 19), Collective Javier Heraud, Land and Freedom Movement and Frenvidas Inkarrí-Ate. The duo were Takanamanta and the Women represented by c. Susan Portocarrero. Not only activists attended subscribed organizations, but independent companions. This was the message of c. Jaime Lastra, University Socialists, who for travel could not attend. Also recognized the broad nature of this new space, open to the incorporation of other progressive organizations, democratic and patriotic. This second meeting

successfully developed the agenda scheduled for Tuesday and consists of three points: 1) Formation of the front and name, 2) Control Points, 3) specific activities.

As for the name, it was decided that vote is: Front Natural Resources Defense, Lima, driving in principle the defense of gas and hydrocarbons, but said that the new space transcends the issue of gas, without using their vital importance, and tries to direct its efforts to all resources that are threatened by the voracity of monopolies and the betrayal of the current government.

fight on points, the contributions of our colleagues were centralized in the defense of natural resources, defense of life and sovereignty.

Regarding the specific activities of the front, the interventions of the participants converged on developing both the ability to give information to the broad majority of Lima on the socio-environmental level, such as to generate mass mobilization rejection of imperialist plunder. It is necessary to implement a free chair panels, conferences and exhibitions of specialists in each area, encouraging the incorporation of public discussion. Another urgent task to develop the press, propaganda and reporting that enable awareness and development of popular protest in urban and cones throughout metropolitan Lima. Thus

was born an alternative control unit, on a broad front, without exclusions, without sectarianism and electoral purposes, to mobilize the democratic and progressive sectors in defending what belongs to all Peruvians. Lima wakes up and joins the struggle that our people are fighting against barbarism and communities and neocolonial plunder.