Tuesday, April 20, 2010

How Much Weight Can A Jon Boat Hold?

intolerance, insults and reasons about the book of Ibarra VATICAN O

If you, dear reader, disagrees with the PCP-SL then "Hate the class, its vanguard and leadership" is a scoundrel representative of "old revisionism." You nor anyone else has the right to disagree with the PCP-SL or to make public his criticism of the "unfading" Gonzalo Thought. According to the logic of Gonzales, the only Communists are in the PCP-SL. All the leftists, socialists, communists and libertarians who do not militate in the PCP-SL is spawn of the reaction, of imperialism, bureaucratic and comprador bourgeoisie. To tell them, the owners of the universal truth "unfading," are worse than imperialism and the big bourgeoisie, because they are bearers of bourgeois and reactionary ideas in the classroom, in the village, among the masses. If we are worse than the imperialists, then it would be nice to eliminate us physically. Why not surprise that some unhappy reach such conclusions? Did not have before?

APRA has cultivated a very similar path of intolerance. When polemizábamos with APRA, the controversy stemmed from the exchange of ideas opposed to the insults, the ideological differences to the provocations, provocations to shock. It was not unusual to see a fellow left with a broken head or multiple bruises after being lynched by a mob of buffalo. APRA and its martyrs, APRA and heritage of universal truth, APRA and its leader were unquestionable, indisputable, untouchable. Any disagreement was an offense. Those who cultivated the tradition of "beating the radish" then formed the Commando Rodrigo Franco and changed the theme to a more pragmatic: "kill the radishes." His victims are all leftist parties. The PCP-SL had no allies, not faced with any other political force, as he did Comrade Mao Tse Tung. As he did Ho Chi Minh. As he did Marx and the great Lenin. Strategic defeat of the PCP-SL was due, among other factors, to a conception no Marxist front. There was no front, as recommended Dimitrov and Mao. There were transmission belts of the party, which is not the same. Who was not with the PCP-SL was against the PCP-SL. Their self is much like the slogan of the APRA SEASAP: Only save Peru APRA.

Revisionists, class and snitches

In any armed struggle, the state terror are answered with the authority of the revolution. Simply put, every revolution eliminates informers, infiltrators and traitors. No one can make from the left a crusade for the rights of a whistleblower or informer. But not always the PCP-SL removed informers or infiltrators, but so did with those from other stores on the left disagreed ideologically and methodologically. It seems that many local commanders took to heart the slogan of Gonzalo "wiped off the face of the earth to revisionism." illustrated
The petty bourgeoisie can not replace the proletariat and to organize on their behalf and under the symbol of the Communist Party. The radicalized petty bourgeoisie and organized Communist Party, without the proletariat in charge, tends to be so intolerant and totalitarian as the petty bourgeoisie organized fascist parties such as APRA. "Annihilate the radish" for some is the same as "liquidating revisionist" for others. And is that the petty bourgeoisie is intolerant for structural reasons. Tends to authoritarianism or on behalf of the most advanced ideas (Pol Pot) or on behalf of the most reactionary ideas (fascism).

and see how it responds the story: Gonzalo fell not because of any "revisionist" IU or MIR or MRTA. Fell betrayal of PCP-SL militants who had access to the inner circle with the leadership. As we mentioned before, this is the only armed struggle was suspended because he has fallen prey to his boss. And Feliciano, one of the highest-ranking cadres in the PCP-SL, captured by the reaction, offered to betray guerrilla camps, arsenals and depots of explosives. If this was an address box, with a long history, in trust for his leadership, it means you have the "right ideology" (MLM-PG) does not solve everything.

The proletariat seeks to build a vanguard

lie No more. No self-deception. If anything, the proletariat today is no direction, cutting-edge match. Proclaim the direction of the class is cynical, because at present the majority of the proletariat is contracted condition, without levels of organization, without political orientation who struggles demands. The PCP-SL remains fragmented and tends to further fragmentation yet, but something that is evident and clear is that the PCP-SL (any version) is not at the head of the proletariat or the people who continue to fight.
When the Marxist-Leninist polemics with Gonzales, we are not attacking the working class, or his party or his art. Do not be proud. Occupy a modest place in the ranks of fighting people today struggle against the mining, against neoliberalism and against impunity for genocide. We must work to forge the subjective conditions and a revolutionary class-struggle leadership.

The controversy should be

What is the role of controversy started Ibarra's book? ... I understand that we rebuild the lost space all left in Peru: the electoral and navy, in all its names and forms. To recover that space should amend the mistakes of the past, widespread criticism and self-criticism in the face of the masses, straighten the road and continue until final victory over imperialism and the bourgeoisie. Who is controversial abortion are appropriate today, is because he is afraid to face the truth and so resorts to insult, the personal disqualification, pitting those who can easily fall into the verbal and then physical violence. But those arguments do not run to the Marxists. Nobody here recede for fear of insult or threat, because until the dictatorship fujimontesinista has failed in that attempt. ............ ......... .......... ... FIN ... ......... ......... ......... ......... .

PD .- A bigot wrote:

"References to Mr. Dante Castro has become more outrageous that Mr. Ibarra. Briefly point out that this old leftist like the Red Patria Brown have distinguished themselves for dealing with the struggles of the people and now intend to do so at the expense of PCP. After his "academic left" seeks to present himself as the Robin Hood of Peruvian politics to thrive in the struggles and aspirations and popular university. This subject has as teachers to Bernales Ballesteros, Dammert, Brena Pantoja, etc., His teachers say it in their placid meetings of coffee. "

And pretend to answer. This guy (me) says no she was a teacher to Dammert or Brena Pantoja (what can be taught?), but Enrique Bernales Ballesteros in the course of constitutional law, an area in which the teacher is competent, (it is not in politics). Following his reasoning, Comrade Gonzalo teacher was to Saturnino Paredes (PCP-BR), who inherited many objectionable habits as absolutism, but before it was militant (as Saturnino) of a PCP led by Jorge del Prado. Does that makes him pro-Soviet revisionist? This old leftist (I) replied that he has not "trafficked" to the struggles of the people, for he has obtained nothing in return for their participation. In the same vein I also reject the word "thrive" in good Castilian is "to improve their fortunes, profit." What fortune? Where is the profit I've earned? This is achieved in return is just the opposite: a string of disappointments. The class enemy is timely to make us pay for our sins in confinement, in exile, torture, persecution. Not only the PCP-SL has martyrs, prisoners, persecuted or exiled. Not only the PCP-SL has disappeared, killed or extrajudicial execution. This controversy is a political content, is the exchange of ideas, concepts opposition and ideological lines. It is not subjectivity. I will not argue about whether Gonzalo danced Zorba the Greek or Winston Light cigarette smoking or listening to Frank Sinatra "in its quiet coffee meetings." All that is irrelevant. All these are subtleties and nonsense. Comrade Gonzalo, as the PCP-SL controls that are in prison, would be better debaters than you, because they have better level and have played, in its own way to the classics of scientific socialism. At least never would write a note so bestial as it misspelled and drafting errors. I assure you that personal qualifying and would save the heart of the controversy.
I will refrain from answering falsehoods with falsehoods and insults with insults. That is not my field. Without further ado: Dante Castro

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Gowns For Rent Manila



regret that naivete and / or gullibility has well-meaning people who think the only problem with the Catholic Church's pedophilia. This institution is so corroded inside that their structures do not support the lower contrast with reality. Pedophilia and pederasty by priests was common knowledge for decades, but our society was so subservient to religion that prevented the prosecution of these bad elements. "The scandal is worse, some parents felt and tried to hide the disgrace of child victimization, while the pedophile priest was moved inside the country. all abandoned children shelter, run by religious orders, have been the paradise of pedophile priests. Audiences are struck by the sexual abuse of minors, but did not specify the difference between children and adolescents. Abuse against children under twelve irritation to society
the weakness of the victim or helpless state. There are priests in these shelters dedicated to seduce young of the same sex in exchange for bribes and gifts. In such cases the line between homosexuality and pedophilia to be defined, but no longer a subordination of the teen who has power and who represent an institution in which society supposedly blind trust.

Returning to judge the institution in general, it is obvious stampede of disillusioned Catholics to evangelical churches and the growing decline of religious vocations: Nobody wants to be a priest or a nun, because celibacy is the most unnatural and perverse it may impose on a human. In the late nineteenth century women writers brave
as Clorinda Matto and Mercedes Cabello dared to campaign against celibacy, but they suffered persecution, culminating in an in exile and one in the

The flight to evangelical churches are amplified during the reign of John Paul II, pursuer against liberation theology and benefactor of Opus Dei and the sanctification of "san" Escriba de Balaguer. He is credited covered the scandal of Banco Ambrosiano and the murder of John Paul I. But let us die before an archbishop
fascist dictatorship imposed by the Fujimori administration, but not before poisoning the former bishop of Lima, Augusto Vargas Alzamora. Being

the papacy a succession of leaders of organized crime should not be surprising that the authorities have tried to hide under the cloak of impunity to pedophile priests, then give way to widespread public criticism and the media. It seems that their unholy alliance with the owners of global economic power has deteriorated or the masters of finance are being given to understand that they are no longer functional.
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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Shower Mat No Suction Cups

A book about the end of fundamentalism

The question Gonzales
Sacrifices aside, heroics aside, the controversy with the walking has to be in ideological terms, dispassionate and scientific. In short, this debate has to occur in the terms and uses of Marxism. Should not lead to angry behavior by growers of myth, because the mythology is alien to all scientific thought, and has praised the myth Mariátegui. Defender Gonzalo mythologically is to confirm the metaphysical character of Gonzalo and his estrangement with Marxism.

Marxists can face and endure the contrast of their ideas with the harsh reality. The Gonzales-is shown, can not sustain the controversy in the strictly ideological without resorting to personal disqualification of the opponent. The truth is that the PCP-SL now has supporters and sympathizers in different fractions (the peace agreement, continue, etc.) That stir up and disturb audiences, but not polemical. Fajardo Crespo and attorneys can be advocates of a person (Gonzalo) or propagandists of "amnesty for all" (claudication extreme), but not the best apologists for their own political line. The PCP-SL has no ideologues, because the only ideologue in prison. Well says the Yugoslav communist Milovan D'jilas: a revolution without revolutionary intelligentsia is doomed to failure.

Gonzalo errors in revolutionary theory, led to the PCP-SL to its maximum isolation and strategic defeat. One of them was not a Marxist conception of the United Front, which condemned the PCP-SL allies have not tactical, strategic or economic climate. In full 80's Gonzalo thought we could assume that "those who are not with us are against us" because finally decreed the death penalty all left, "wiped off the face of the earth to revisionism." Most number of mayors killed by the PCP-SL belonged to the ranks of the United Left, also claimed victims in union leaders, teachers' leaders, peasant and student tables. Those who were not with the PCP-SL were on the other hill ", or were reactionaries and enemies of the revolution, snitches, etc. To the question: who were facing the PCP-SL?, We respond: with anyone. And remember what Lenin wrote in 1923: the revolutionaries are never alone the revolution can never do without alliances with the non-Communists.

Characterization of society is essential to trace the character of the revolution, strategy and tactics. In this regard, the PCP-SL starts mistaken analysis of Peruvian society and calling it "feudal." This was done to force the applicability of the scheme: if society is feudal, it is for a democratic revolution. If society is semi-feudal democratic revolution and falls, it should be the people's war from the countryside to the city. This was done because the most important was the completion of the line, over the conditions in the country. And the case for a metaphysical apriorism Comrade Gonzalo.

The metaphysical character of Gonzalo derived from their mistakes in materialist dialectics. Reduce the laws of dialectical materialism to one-the law of unity and struggle of opposites, and Mao Tse Tung to blame it is the work of Gonzalo. Disregard or enforceability of the other two laws, led to the PCP-SL to leapfrog in terms of maturity of the objective conditions for revolution. What matters most to the PCP-SL were the subjective conditions. Similarly, in terms of unity and struggle of opposites, gonzales did not understand the difference between contradictions among the people and antagonistic contradictions-that led to the killing of peasants and indigenous Andean Amazon (Asháninkas case). Philosophically, Gonzalo undertakes knowledge of dialectical materialism burdened by other philosophical non-Marxists to be evident in their ideological deviations.

and ideological deviations are those that lead to Gonzalo PCP-SL and catatrófica a resounding defeat. They were guilty of it its members who sacrificed their lives for their cause, but the top leader is never sacrificed, leading the revolution from the comfort of the suburbs and at the time of capture did not give the example that did require of his paintings. The share of blood, "find the bullet that kills you, the offer up their lives for the party, was enforceable against the fighters, for the head, no.

The PCP-SL will be history and will be remembered for being the only organization bearing arms who, having reached the strategic balance, stopped the war because its leader was captured. And this will lead to the collective memory of the videos that were shown on TV about his amazing peaceful capture. Someone called "the fourth sword of Marxism," comparable in stature to artificially Marx, Engels, Lenin and Mao, surrendered without a fight, fell without bodyguards and without the most minimal security measures. After a shameful "peace agreement" that suspended the war to save his life, the call for "amnesty for all" has become perverted appeal that rivals the revolutionary fighters jailed genocide, military and police officers found guilty of violation of human rights.

The author of "fish out of water" is ahead of my delayed publication. I have a book launch on the same subject and is a summary of my argument with gonzales fundamentalism. By participating in the presentation table, I can announce it and also reiterate the proselytes of faith, parishioners of religion Gonzales, I am always ready to argue without time limit, to the ultimate questions.