Thursday, May 27, 2010

Organza Overlay Tablecloths

Berenson to forget

carnival began in the tabloid media (read: all). The clothes are torn and faithful to the religion terrorism. Has appeared a new subject on the screen that can generate the necessary collective catharsis and distraction media and mass hypnosis is not to commemorate a year of the killing of Bagua and more attention turned to a blank released from prison for all attacks. The campaign is working psychosocial as well, for among his clowns, harlequins and acrobats, also recruited to the national-fascist Ollanta Humala. So in this preview of the circus season, too many angry voices that have not yet declared and that they take up more pages of the press for several weeks.

And we run down the journalistic lynching against gringuita accused of terrorism, until we come to hate both chambers appear, to fill headlines and mistakes (lapsus brutus

Expulsion and commutation
Justice Minister, Víctor García Toma, said that the report of INPE to free Lori Berenson is technical and not political, but the government's decision is to expel the American citizen not to serve the remainder of his sentence in Peru. This would mean the commutation of the sentence, which was purged of by appropriate punishment and expulsion. What better favor for Lori! I guess his family will be grateful and say: good for her. Segregation
neighborhood to order

Miraflores Mayor Manuel Macías yield to the views of some neighbors to harass Lori Berenson and move to another district. The basis for its whimsical approach would be for the district of Miraflores and its neighbors have been hit hard by terrorism, to tolerate a neighbor convicted of that crime.
But the Miraflores district has also been hit by drug hitmen and therefore not investigated the drug distribution chains in the streets, in full view of serenazgo patience. Miraflores is the deadly threat of contracting AIDS because of extensive prostitution, male and female, which is home, and one example: the street of the pizzas and JFK Park. Let us
a good question: How many Peruvians tried for terrorism are on the streets after serving their sentences or semi-freedom? ... Has anyone been segregated by the mayor of your district? ... Do the neighbors have them, and goofs cargamontón? ... We answer that in all neighborhoods, where most are from former political prisoners, they have left to live and rebuild their lives.

So why Miraflores, which is no longer pituco district, wants to make a difference? Here we are faced with something that lies in the consciousness of most Peruvians, we dislike foreigners to interfere in domestic problems. But no one blunder to Pedro Pablo Kuscinzki, who as a U.S. citizen served as minister of Peru, contrary to the Constitution states. In summary, the gringa, gringa member being on the wrong side, he falls ill.

And it is no secret that many graduates of the prison, ex-convicted terrorist living in Miraflores. I do not mean the MRTA, only, but to whom they belonged or were accused of belonging to the group that started the car bomb Tarata (which obviously was not the MRTA). Fascism

Ollanta pronounce

Party Berenson had to put fascist nationalism led by Ollanta Humala Tasso, the former captain "Carlos" murderer of my Mother's population during the counterinsurgency war. (Have you added the opportunistic ex-leftists who backed him in his presidential campaign?) And his liderzuelo Abugattás says Daniel Judge made a "terrible mistake" and "lack of discretion" in allowing a terrorist who has not renounced violence is "loose in space."
In those statements, we assume they have awakened from their dream of lovesick suitors of MNI and CGTP, because as the Red Patria identified as "mouthpieces" of the FARC (Colombian) Humala not included as electoral allies. Already understood and made their separate registration, but delayed too puzanga awakening of the soldiers. When

Berenson will end the show?

guess this situation deserves pages lazy journalists to pursue genuine financial scandals perpetrated by the ruling party. Alan García why should not extradite Lori Berenson. Lose the magnet that can attract all the anger against terrorism subversive, to be forgotten state terrorism. That which is just as guilty as his vice president, the fascist Giampietri. Lori Alan needs to enrage the Miraflores neighborhood, prompting angry protests from fujimontesinistas, nationalist and APRA in the gutter press. And amid the escánadalo Alan Garcia will make the commemoration of Baguazo, a party for the day of rum. So he said, is not it? ...
................................................ ................................

PD-Ollanta Humala, in his previous presidential campaign, called for halt to judicial proceedings military fought subversion. This, in good castizo, means a clean slate for the criminals in uniform, make way for impunity. The "esprit de corps, all military slogan, is nothing more than complicity. So even today, nobody knows in the Army, who commanded the troops Putis killer, those who murdered men, women, children and elderly from a community disappeared the map by the "heroes" of the counterinsurgency campaign. Everyone knows they were military, uniforms, by the caliber used by the "souvenirs" left indelible in its way to the defenseless civilian population. Ollanta Humala
Captain "Carlos" My mother have to respond, but the tracks on my Mother has been skillfully erased and threatened witnesses, for a covert fascist THAT HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE REVOLUTIONARY LEFT AND TRADITION struggle, we come to govern on behalf of business interests in it still. For the naive who believe in him, we can only tell you what he said Vallejo: let them, let them, let them ...

Friday, May 21, 2010

Ross Kemp On Gangs America

Bagua Rodolfo Hinojosa Javier Heraud slander intended

A May 15, 1963 died gunned the young poet Javier Heraud in Puerto Maldonado. Peruvian society was shocked to know that young people with promising future, as he preferred to opt for the heroic sacrifice before going live in a country of lawlessness and exploitation. If there is something I've tried to do is to reconstruct the history of guerrilla movements that my generation lived. In this passage of evidence, interviewed Alain Elias, ELN, mate Javier Heraud risks and the only two who survived the fateful boat where the poet died shot by an angry crowd. I maintain my friendship with Alain Elijah and I would encourage him to answer the lies of Rodolfo Hinojosa, published in Caretas, Issue 2130, emerging and that my readers can be found at link: T = 3082 & S = & id = 12 & ide = 879 & idSTo = 0 & idA = 46413 Here. Rodolfo Hinojosa-among Peruvians scholarships in Cuba did not wish to enroll in maretazo guerrilla who inspired the Cuban revolution in Latin America because, as he himself confesses, disagreed with the line Fidel Castro guerrillas. That's okay now, after the failure of foquismo on our continent. But then there was a tempting and irresistible theorization of the new method and the thousand Viet Nam, against ideological diversion "peaceful transition to power." Only experience could show the effectiveness of the project and succumbed Che testing, risking his own life, that which arose sometime. People live as he preaches, then ...
But Hinostroza note is a breath of conscience and download revenge against his contemporary epic figure, which could never overcome. Heraud I believe that he had better conditions to evolve as a poet and had he not been murdered in Puerto Maldonado, Peru's literature would have another taxpayer's enormous stature as Vallejo. I do not mean physique, of course. We must stress that did not need crutches Heraud extraliterary, as the heroic sacrifice to be recognized as a talented creator. I already had the recognition they deserved at a young age and with a promising future. Reduce
willingness to sacrifice Javier Heraud bravado of pituco misunderstood and incompetent for the fight, its meaning is caricature. This willingness to sacrifice came already in evidence in his poetry and primal approach to the cloisters Javier San Marcos, where he would have more direct contact with revolutionary ideas. Ergo, the radicaliación of Heraud does not occur in Cuba, but here in Peru.

Hinojosa's testimony is contradictory. Javier Heraud agree that before he traveled to the Soviet Union, a youth festival, because he was a member of Progressive Social Movement, which labeled the "party" and other states, "the moderate left." At that time, travel to the USSR was not easy, much less what was to return and join the partnership with the disgrace of being suspected of "communist." Javier knew where he was traveling and traveling to countries that stained its history "pituco." (Hinojosa says: "He did have a scholarship to Czechoslovakia" to study film.) Pituco strange that, having graduated from college Markham taught English in the brave, tough and popular College where he graduated Guadalupe Hinojosa. Strange pituco traveling to socialist countries and grants accepted Communists with the same ingenuity with which he was allegedly tricked into enrolling in a guerrilla.

The mockery of Rodolfo Hinojosa is not acceptable by the crudest sense. No one is enrolled in a guerrilla war to overcome their panic or fear. Much better would have been into school amateur boxing or wrestling, in the style of the era and of the privileged class. The evolution of Javier Heraud to sacrifice for achieving social justice, its ascent to the redeemer of mankind, it is quite clear in his poetry and according to the gradual evolution of his consciousness. Redemptive sacrifice and approaching death, are substantial elements of his poems. Whither

points Hinostroza article? ... Well, to demystify the icon that makes shade and give vent to his antifidelismo perhaps condemns "those who fired at close range on two unarmed men who were drifting down the river? ... Condemns "anti-Communists who incited the population? ... Maybe accuses police to promote the slaughter? ... It does neither the one nor the other. Hinojosa who is convicted of leaving the only guilty as him, Fidel Castro, who attributed Che sentences: "The duty of a revolutionary is to make revolution. "

So we have a Fidel Castro who committed the crime of enlisting young naive to the guerrillas in Latin America Javier Heraud and a guerrilla fighter who got to stop being the pituco" on the roe grandazo " . Clearly the intention of the writer liquidator. Needless to point out that Javier Heraud, as Alain Elias, they were gunned down in a clash between guerrillas and soldiers because they had not come to become guerrillas. Justice investigated and found not guilty. That is forgot Hinostroza claim in his little article of yore.

existing social inequality in the 60's, with a much larger gap between rich and poor, between literate and illiterate, between treated in hospitals and forgotten on his own, not only men of the people moved toward armed struggle, but also to children of upper middle class homes as Javier Heraud. In its time and place, he had to assume it to Fidel Castro, a young lawyer, as a privileged few, who resigned from his collection of Italian silk ties, their suits dozen British and a prosperous marriage to aritocrática Diaz Balart, to say how Martí, "with the poor of this world I share my fate." And that decision does not always return to life, except that we take the road of desertion Hinostroza because, as Fidel said in 1968: "not always fight have every reason ".

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Right Way To Strap On Goalie Pads


I was reading the blog of Gustavo Faverón Patriau
about poetry groups, standing out among the collective efforts of the twentieth century, those that characterized avant-garde, Dadaism, Futurism, Surrealism. Then your article and the opinions of others experiences mention local group of poets, highlighting, including the most serious and lasting, Zero Hour, and culminating in Kloaka and Neon. The relevant question is: what happened to the narrative? Except the group's experience Narration (Oswaldo Reynoso, Miguel Gutierrez, Roberto Reyes Tarazona, Augusto Higa, Antonio Gálvez Ronceros), it seems that the pursuit of collectivism has been elusive to gender. we read, we felt, we suggested, we learned. Detachment, joint collaboration, honesty in fraternal criticism, were characteristic of a group that refused to have name and ideology. The latter was a birth defect, a factory fails to undermine the drive end.

why groups tend

critical rain very acidic against communalism, the benefit of individualism and autonomy of the writer. These last three words are very attractive and apparently reasonable. The writer has the illusion of being autonomous, unique, irreplaceable and inalienable. But many forget that it is a social product, that behind them there is an incalculable amount of human efforts of others and condensed believes that individuality is unique. The writers most fanatical of individuality and autonomy are the slaves of the laws of the market, from the constraints of publishers and merchandisers. The truth is that since we started with the first drafts consulted a favorite teacher and friends and classmates, and what we were supposed collectivizing intimate and individual. That's what makes groups so blatant, you represent and organized. At least, in principle, groups can articulate its operation positively influencing the subject to adhere to them.

the group will always be broken by the weakest link. Individualism, megalomania, selfishness and professional jealousy, corrode and break the collective effort. In a society that worships individualism and instill in its neoliberal version repudiating the union life, collectivism and community organization, these diseases thrive naturally. As is seen in the horizon a new dawn for humanity, when the old society is dying and the story suffers from the pains of childbirth, emerges the need to form groups and collectivization of artistic experience.

happened to us in 80 '
Our habit was born in 1986, when war and internal bleeding after six years in Peru. The group, which had a literary purpose, could not cleave to the literature of historical context, deaf to human suffering and the crisis affecting the country. Our meetings were enjoyable, stocked with wine and food, but many of them were made in the light of candles. Blackouts, car bombs, blowing in the distance, sirens howling, rake operations, curfews, state of emergency, etc.. , Were the real context of letters constituting paradise. The most logical is that a group of intellectuals manifests against barbarism, as it was at that time the abundance of mass graves, missing students, killing of prisoners, systematic violation of human rights. can not deny that the group had as Silvio who said: "The city is crumbling and I sing." The fear of taking a position defined and optical illusion in a pure literary horizon that never existed, they were charging proportions.

fire experience occurred before the coup of Fujimori and the fascism of the country. The experience cousin was the arrest of novelist Miguel Gutierrez, who had given us his company and tips repeatedly. One of our elder brothers, Narrative Group, was held in conditions of psychological torture, and the group he belonged-now-manifest itself. Here is a petition of signatures of writers for the freedom of Miguel Gutierrez. But to achieve that many firms, there was resistance to overcome, selfishness and cowardice without a name. Best would say unprecedented, but with names.

polarization within the group could not be between walkers and non-walkers as someone wanted to caricature, but between those who were sure we walked toward totalitarianism and covertly who thought that totalitarianism was not only inevitable but "necessary" to "urgent." It was no coincidence that a narrator is assimilated to the 80 police forces and provide their best professional efforts in emergency areas.

When the government remained in the hands of one person (and his famous adviser), culture suffered the ravages of intolerance and even the literary Bohemia from downtown became deserted. The group of writers of the generation 80 had its last meeting before the coup status April 5, 1992. From there, amidst the diaspora of writers, one in the group managed to save the healthy habit of calling literary circles.


one hand I gratitude to the fable of the two friends and the bear, told by Aesop and Phaedrus and Samaniego repeated. Perhaps it would be desirable Miguel Gutierrez releea this sobering tale. On the other hand, I recall with some nostalgia the literary age of innocence. As we have said before: we read, we correct, we help and we even publish. Those who worked in the media did everything possible to comment in newspapers and magazines to members of the generation 80, are the group or not. The relationship we had with writers of previous generations, as the narration group, was a free teaching that we can not petty recognition and gratitude. Finally, I say, the groups serve to make us better for each other. Hopefully the new generations, especially in the narrative, do something similar.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Post Hawaiian Wedding Traditions

Literature of War: the "authentic" and the usurper

Last night I was at a popular bar frequented by poets and storytellers. After a long time I found friends who had lost it a year ago and I caught up the literary world. What surprised me is that tell me something directly involved: a document out of a provincial meeting of writers, poorly judged my literature of war. The argument that would wield my detractors, according to friends last night, is not to have fought in the PCP-Sendero Luminoso and therefore did not participate in the war "popular."

I have not read the text, but I can clarify some things. One of them is that they never had belonged to the PCP-SL. For reasons of training Marxist would never have agreed with the metaphysics of fundamentalism gonzales. Much less was now applying the "doctrine of justification" to conceal the delivery of Comrade Gonzalo cowardly and dishonorable claudication. The Gonzales is religion, not science, therefore we must have faith to believe in his great theological virtues.
provide another example: Ricardo Uceda's book "Death in the little Pentagon" the author is guilty of lightness and points to the formation of two separate military aircraft in two games of Izquierda Unida. The information is accurate, (though in reality there were three), as in the legal left, those who bet on elections as the main form of struggle, also armed struggle brewing germs. Ricardo Uceda luckily did not write details. I appreciate your silence. But

State violence had suffered it all, walkers and non walkers and non MRTAs MRTAs. And the clash of the working class against the bourgeois state was not the exclusive or exclusive of armed groups. The national strikes, street fights, taking of local roads, had a vast range of political actors.

For these and other reasons I hold the following: The literature of political violence occurred in the 80 -90 does not belong to an armed group of those who fought or those who suffered. It was not necessary to have belonged to this group to suffer imprisonment, torture or exile, or to make it literature. A narrative theme may be addressed effectively by those who have talent, is assisted by the collective experience and draws from its own investigations. The most painful is to see publications who did participate and do not express themselves in literature.

still some people in the name of fundamentalism Gonzales dare to pontificate about literature and social commitment, on art and political commitment. The funny thing is they are called "Maoists" and poverty of intellect does not know how to interpret what he meant by Mao Ze Dong in his thesis on art and literature. This is no longer a political problem, but the interpretation of texts or reading comprehension. Let's see what light wrote the great helmsman of the Revolution China:

"For progressive they are politically, a work of art that has no artistic value, no force. That is why we oppose both works of art with a wrong political views, and the creation of works 'style poster and slogan' successful work in political terms but lacking in artistic power. "

(Mao, spoke at the Yenan Forum on Art and Literature, 1942).
Returning to the case of the "authentic" versus "Pharisee" I suggest that the literature of war must be differentiated from the testimony, the trial and autobiography. Even in these genres paraliterarios, you need to write well. The narrative of war can not fall into the exclusivity of functionally illiterate and self-proclaimed "legitimate stakeholders", leave the monopoly of the field to play and to assume the creative act with parameters outside the literature. Literary creation must bear fruit among those directly involved in the conflict. This will require you to shed the straitjacket imposed an erroneous and castrating political line. As they come to the office, they should understand that the great revolutionary writers distinguished for his humility, a prerequisite for learning.
When that did not automatically fall from the sky, I'm prepared emotionally for literary and ideological confrontations. My work will be judged with glasses extraliterary because "no member of the party" and because I am against fundamentalism gonzales metaphysical. But be warned: do a literature class is not the same as doing a literature of the party. Class consciousness is something different (although it should not always be others) to the organic militancy. It said something criticizing Cesar Vallejo Mayakovsky, author of works 'style poster and slogan' apparatus writer, poet, subject to directives.