Thursday, May 20, 2010

Right Way To Strap On Goalie Pads


I was reading the blog of Gustavo Faverón Patriau
about poetry groups, standing out among the collective efforts of the twentieth century, those that characterized avant-garde, Dadaism, Futurism, Surrealism. Then your article and the opinions of others experiences mention local group of poets, highlighting, including the most serious and lasting, Zero Hour, and culminating in Kloaka and Neon. The relevant question is: what happened to the narrative? Except the group's experience Narration (Oswaldo Reynoso, Miguel Gutierrez, Roberto Reyes Tarazona, Augusto Higa, Antonio Gálvez Ronceros), it seems that the pursuit of collectivism has been elusive to gender. we read, we felt, we suggested, we learned. Detachment, joint collaboration, honesty in fraternal criticism, were characteristic of a group that refused to have name and ideology. The latter was a birth defect, a factory fails to undermine the drive end.

why groups tend

critical rain very acidic against communalism, the benefit of individualism and autonomy of the writer. These last three words are very attractive and apparently reasonable. The writer has the illusion of being autonomous, unique, irreplaceable and inalienable. But many forget that it is a social product, that behind them there is an incalculable amount of human efforts of others and condensed believes that individuality is unique. The writers most fanatical of individuality and autonomy are the slaves of the laws of the market, from the constraints of publishers and merchandisers. The truth is that since we started with the first drafts consulted a favorite teacher and friends and classmates, and what we were supposed collectivizing intimate and individual. That's what makes groups so blatant, you represent and organized. At least, in principle, groups can articulate its operation positively influencing the subject to adhere to them.

the group will always be broken by the weakest link. Individualism, megalomania, selfishness and professional jealousy, corrode and break the collective effort. In a society that worships individualism and instill in its neoliberal version repudiating the union life, collectivism and community organization, these diseases thrive naturally. As is seen in the horizon a new dawn for humanity, when the old society is dying and the story suffers from the pains of childbirth, emerges the need to form groups and collectivization of artistic experience.

happened to us in 80 '
Our habit was born in 1986, when war and internal bleeding after six years in Peru. The group, which had a literary purpose, could not cleave to the literature of historical context, deaf to human suffering and the crisis affecting the country. Our meetings were enjoyable, stocked with wine and food, but many of them were made in the light of candles. Blackouts, car bombs, blowing in the distance, sirens howling, rake operations, curfews, state of emergency, etc.. , Were the real context of letters constituting paradise. The most logical is that a group of intellectuals manifests against barbarism, as it was at that time the abundance of mass graves, missing students, killing of prisoners, systematic violation of human rights. can not deny that the group had as Silvio who said: "The city is crumbling and I sing." The fear of taking a position defined and optical illusion in a pure literary horizon that never existed, they were charging proportions.

fire experience occurred before the coup of Fujimori and the fascism of the country. The experience cousin was the arrest of novelist Miguel Gutierrez, who had given us his company and tips repeatedly. One of our elder brothers, Narrative Group, was held in conditions of psychological torture, and the group he belonged-now-manifest itself. Here is a petition of signatures of writers for the freedom of Miguel Gutierrez. But to achieve that many firms, there was resistance to overcome, selfishness and cowardice without a name. Best would say unprecedented, but with names.

polarization within the group could not be between walkers and non-walkers as someone wanted to caricature, but between those who were sure we walked toward totalitarianism and covertly who thought that totalitarianism was not only inevitable but "necessary" to "urgent." It was no coincidence that a narrator is assimilated to the 80 police forces and provide their best professional efforts in emergency areas.

When the government remained in the hands of one person (and his famous adviser), culture suffered the ravages of intolerance and even the literary Bohemia from downtown became deserted. The group of writers of the generation 80 had its last meeting before the coup status April 5, 1992. From there, amidst the diaspora of writers, one in the group managed to save the healthy habit of calling literary circles.


one hand I gratitude to the fable of the two friends and the bear, told by Aesop and Phaedrus and Samaniego repeated. Perhaps it would be desirable Miguel Gutierrez releea this sobering tale. On the other hand, I recall with some nostalgia the literary age of innocence. As we have said before: we read, we correct, we help and we even publish. Those who worked in the media did everything possible to comment in newspapers and magazines to members of the generation 80, are the group or not. The relationship we had with writers of previous generations, as the narration group, was a free teaching that we can not petty recognition and gratitude. Finally, I say, the groups serve to make us better for each other. Hopefully the new generations, especially in the narrative, do something similar.


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