Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Freecoverletter Or Beauty Therapist


In a society like the American, who so admire, it would be strange to hear the speech of an anarchist, a communist, fascist, of an Islamic fundamentalist or a neoliberal. In a society like the dictatorship of Francisco Franco in Spain, one that longs for the Opus Dei and Archbishop Juan Luis Cipriani or that he admired (and now denies it) Mario Vargas Llosa: Pinochet's dictatorship, it would be possible is free competition of ideologies. That meditating say the "surprise" and expressed irritation that bourgeois spokesmen through your media by a simple up hikers in San Marcos. What is the surprise, vile preachers of peace of the graveyard? Did you ever Peruvian state under the dictatorship of Fujimori and Montesinos, ended with Sendero Luminoso?

The recalcitrant editors "terrorism" did believe his naive public a pack of lies, starting with who were "rustlers" (said by Belaunde) or a small group of conspirators and perpetrators of horrific bombings. Disregarded social analysis and especially policy analysis.

The PCP-Sendero Luminoso is a social force, is a party is an organization for political purposes. The internal war that spanned the country from end to end, was not only a historical fact, not only was a political act, but has had and has serious social and structural. The "Gonzalo Thought" is an ideology which does not give out controversy rightists, nor APRA nor the reformist left. Pushed for the police and the genocide resolution. And ideologies are not incarcerated, may be obtained by new generations with social concerns.

For those who do not live in residential districts and studied at the University of Lima, always the PCP-SL was there on our streets, in our markets, transport and in our classrooms. What is new now? Ah ... There is a video to remove the pitucos sleep.

If we recognize then that is an ideology and organization structures should not be surprised to request the release of its top leader and its prisoners, is at the University of San Marcos or anywhere else.

What should surprise us is that other major government thieves are free and without trial, mass murderers in uniform who walk campers for positions in government or out of prison with a reduction of sentence. State terrorism is impunity and no wonder why. The two murderers of political prisoners in 1986 are President and Vice President respectively. Former Interior Minister Agustin Mantilla and all paramilitary Rodrigo Franco Command are free. The "glorious" (?) Command Huántar Chavín may not be quoted by any court to answer why the operating hostage rescue of 1997 there were no prisoners, or wounded or rendered. Immediately press jump and shout addicted to the money owners demanding that does not judge those "heroes", untouchable and non-searchable. (Does anyone know who stole all the jewels of the ambassador's wife Aoki?)

And while the defendant is in prison Alberto Fujimori is visited mass and has its own cadre school in the gilded prison, inmates of the Naval Base Callao visits can only have 2 blood relatives and spouse (if any) have no access to minimum guarantees of the penal law and have been buried alive until the day of his death.

The insecurity of a society that believed absolute winner, appears in this kind of hysteria for a simple way. While intelligence officials know that the PCP-SL is fragmented, under an acute crisis of leadership and shackled since its leader is in prison. Progress that has scared so much and have been amazed by traditional video calls "political solution to the problems associated with war and amnesty for all." So why not support the Vice President Luis Giampietri, one of the war criminals who would benefit from this amnesty? Also join Telmo Hurtado, Alvaro Artaza, Mejía León, Victor and Martin Punishment Rivas, because the demand for them.

Some people from the right calling for the intervention and the end of university autonomy. Giampietri DINCOTE requiring a greater presence in the universities. But hey, sailor, in San Marcos and there is no more infiltration. How many do you want? Maybe two officers for every student?

hysteria came today with publishers feeding irritating, caustic and corrosive about the benefits obtained in previous governments. Mulder wants to process buffalo why Alejandro Toledo and raise Valentin Paniagua to sentencing. Call delete and repeal any legislation that favored freedom restricted or appearance, because according to the press, the "terrorists" should never leave prison. That is not justice, bourgeois gentlemen: this is revenge.

Specifically, Peruvian society for decades to coexist with the presence of Sendero Luminoso, because this is part of that. Occasionally the media will draw something new to scare unwary from their brand new 4x4 trucks and royal residences can not imagine that the PCP-Sendero Luminoso there. While there are political prisoners and a prison infamous and illegal as the Callao Naval Base, marches relatives and supporters, will happen in different scenarios. And as it has outlawed the free expression of ideas, as get used to viewers.

The PCP-SL, as "peace agreement", wasting time demanding amnesty for all. No amnesty, but for one side: that of the genocide. They have all the apparatus of state support, therefore, not interested in offering the Gonzaleses. State terrorists walk free, as those who murdered the peasants of Putis, Accomarca, Cayara, etc. The so-called "civil society" and institutional care of this monster rotten "democracy" are not even remotely willing to grant amnesty to Gonzalo. The same fate is running Polay Campos, who want to see him leave prison in coffin. It is better to fight with the first step: the transfer of prisoners from prisons BNC unlawful laws, administered by the INPE and prison rights which by law they are entitled.
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