Thursday, June 24, 2010

Old Motherboards For Sale



"Speaking of the events of June 14 in San Marcos and

in relief to 116 birth of José Carlos Mariategui-

"When the Nazis came for the communists, I remained silent


because I wasn'ta communist

When they came for trade unionists, I did not speak


because I wasn'ta trade unionist,

When they came for the Jews, did not speak


because I wasn'ta Jew,

When they came for, no

there was no one else to protest. " Martin Niemoeller

. German pastor.

the undersigned, adherents of thought and action of José Carlos Mariategui in preaching national and Latin American integration, in his defense of natural resources and the country, part of the creation of a new just, fraternal and socialist , we declare ourselves opposed to any kind of dogmatism and sectarianism and enemies of compromise with any form of corruption, such as from the state, entrenched in all institutions of the country, including universities.

In this regard consider urgent and necessary to make meat socialist revolutionary and patriotic example of José Carlos Mariategui, many times forgotten and distorted. Because of this, we participated in various activities that recalled the week of June 14, the 116th anniversary of his birth, through events in Peru and abroad, in the Andes and the Amazon, in unions and course in university classrooms.

However, that date-symbol of the dignity of a people, has again been humiliated. Disfigured and neglected by those seeking to confuse the people with covers sensational and biased reporting that has become so important in a seedy meagerly media spectacle.

For this state the following:

1. We have no doubt that malpractice meeting with the immoral, corrupt and fascist political backlash from the government of the day just is generating the most momentous issues to the people move to the background. The claims of the warring peoples of the southern Andes in defense of the gas, the struggle for respect for the land of Amazonian peoples, among other claims, are the ones to hold our attention and our best efforts revolutionaries. Despite the "smoke" from the government and the bourgeois press ... the struggle continues!

3. We have full confidence that this systematic campaign smear-sustained for more than a week in print and television, against revolutionary organizations authors of this statement is the most accurate reflection of exasperation and despair of the Government in increasing social struggles and facing the possibility that the context of electoral contests proposed "anti" can mean a greater strengthening of grassroots organizations.

4. Reject the policy "McCarthyism" that aims to deliver the Government, professedly ex confusing everyone in a choice of political conduct which we disclaimed all signatories in more than one occasion. We do not share political principles, program and ideology of the self PCP Sendero Luminoso, and are not of any political party facade of the old left ... forge a new revolutionary left!

5. Firmly defend university autonomy and freedom of thought which are now threatened again by the government. Media under the pretext of a false "terrorist upsurge" is intended to justify a further crackdown against university students and have the "preventive action" by law enforcement to control at will the university activities and ensure privatizing model and anti-popular education.

6. We call on all popular and revolutionary forces to make common cause against the insults and attacks from government and the bourgeois press. Although we claim the right to separate, a leftist revolutionary is not a crime, it is an honor. This is an opportunity for the teaching of unity in action of José Carlos Mariategui and many other revolutionaries come true. If they touch one, touch all, keep in mind that Garcia and company.



AMAUTA WITH THE EXAMPLE OF Jose Carlos Mariategui!


... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. University

Socialist José Carlos Mariategui

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....

Student Integration (EI)

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... Circle

October 7 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....

Revolutionary Student Front (FER)

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Voices Movement All

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

José María Arguedas
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Liberation Movement July 19 (ML-19)

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... The Collective

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Duo Takanamanta


RUF - Revolutionary United Front.

(received accessions)


To see some of the attacks:

http://elcomercio. pe / print / edicion/2010- 06-18/ectd180610 a4/08

http://www.larazon. / online / indice.asp? TFI = LRPolitica01 & td = 20 & tm = 06 & t = 2010


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