Thursday, January 27, 2011

How To Make A Natural Remedy For Raynaud's

MUJICA VISIT TO PERU, where joy is censored PALOS

From 4 pm is a tense note in the front of the Legislative Palace. Well-trained troops in uniform protocol, among which the Hussars of Junín, waiting under the scorching sun in January. The band of musicians rehearsing some tunes while intelligence personnel the public turns out on the streets starts to be interested in such movements. National Awakening militants have come from a few and hope mixed with pedestrians and onlookers. There are already several people ask us who receive these soldiers elegant and respond: Mujica President of Uruguay.

are met at five in the afternoon under a sun that does not give up. The riot guards who guard the Congress require the sparse crowd to withdraw into a corner of Jiron Junin. People protest, but even there you can see. Suddenly broke out among the public body an officer in riot gear, you arrancha someone carries a flag folded under his arm. The forfeits, or rather, stolen. It was a giant in rubber National Awakening Party welcomed the president of Uruguay. The arbitrary attitude of this officer surnamed Frías then would be endorsed by his orders to violently break up the small crowd shouting "Welcome" by way of the car where he Mujica.

National Awakening militants quickly to design a poster, in newsprint and down, saying the same thing, but was arbitrarily arranchado by guards led by Commander Frías. Men, women, children and elderly were driven with excessive violence by police shields, taking hits sticks and being pressed against an armored police. Most abused

were members of the National Awakening presidential plate: Roberto Villar and Martina Portocarrero, both vice presidential candidates. Also suffered police repression our congressional candidates and the public who accompanied us. The relevant question is: why ... What is the government and their minions to implement the policy of the club to a peaceful demonstration just wanted to welcome the visit of President of Uruguay?

The first answer is in the silence of this event. The press parameters by past democratic governments (?) Provides a uniform and monotonous silence under the personal command of who governs the country. Therefore, everything that smacks of rebellion and left the poor should not be in the news, or holders or covers. So it was with our tribute on Sunday 23 to José María Arguedas and should not have to be different in the case of Mujica.

The second answer is that the experience of Pepe Mujica is a bad example to Peruvian politics. Here, where a long and bloody civil war has mourned the thousands of Peruvian households, it is not possible to admit yesterday that the rebels from becoming candidates today.

Pepe Mujica went from the arms
Pepe Mujica, president of the Republic of Uruguay, was a member tupamaro in the 60's. As he confesses to the media, wanted to change the destiny of their country through armed struggle. Uruguay's armed forces in the service of big capital, they applied the full force and aggression as possible to prevent tupamaros triumphed. They succeeded, but at the cost of establishing a de facto regime based on state terrorism. The physical and psychological torture, disappearances and killings, no prisoners of war and the greatest human rights violations practiced by other South American dictatorships, first experienced in Uruguay.
Pepe Mujica
survived all this, to torture, interrogation, the sub-feeding and winding up in a grave psychological beings. After the return to democracy was released, benefiting from a law in 1985 decreed an amnesty for all political crimes and related military common with them, committed on or after 1 January 1962.

senator was elected deputy and later to the post of Minister of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries between 2005 and 2008. He was the leader of the Popular Participation Movement, the majority sector of the leftist Frente Amplio until his resignation on May 24, 2009.

giant Brazilian president also
The current president of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, has a similar past. He joined the resistance against the Brazilian dictatorship of the '60s, then acting in one of the major guerrilla groups, "Armed Revolutionary Vanguard Palmares." It was called the "Joan of Arc of the guerrillas because of their importance within the organization. She was arrested in 1970, convicted by a military tribunal without legal guarantees, was imprisoned from 1970 to 1973, suffering torture. Rousseff becomes president after a major career in government.

After studying Economics occupied in the late eighties the Ministry of Mines and Energy. In 2003, during the first mandate of Lula da Silva, Dilma assumed the Ministry of Energy and served as head of Cabinet of the Government in June 2005.

Its management is highlighted by an ambitious plan to boost investment in sanitation infrastructure, housing, transportation, energy and water resources. And the head of the presidency of the state oil company Petrobras, led Brazil to reach self-sufficiency in oil production. On 1 January assumed his new position, becoming the third woman to achieve power democratically in South America (after Chile's Michelle Bachelet and Argentina Cristina Fernandez) and the first woman president in the history of Brazil.

social processes do not stop sticks

seems that those in power do not learn the lessons of history. Maybe that's why they removed the hours that the course is taught in schools. But history shows that the persecuted of yesterday is almost always the presidents of tomorrow.

As venal and cowardly officer ordered to suppress a peaceful demonstration clubs and harmless, whose sole purpose was to congratulate the Uruguayan president, also the press parameters under the command of Alan García gives us sticks advertising or suffocation in silence. Before it we who deceive themselves who imagine a repressive solution. Neither the club nor the jaw have prevented the leadership of the masses.

Social processes are unstoppable, as the rebellion of the empty stomach and the insurgency of unemployed and underemployed youth. As the rebellion of communities to protect their resources against the looting of the multinational mining. As our struggle in defense of the gas, sovereignty and natural resources belong to the people.

Mujica came to visit, but the agenda that took him Alan Garcia to have no chance to talk with the people and to not receive expressions of sympathy. That his visit is the subject of short stories, not headlines, has been the effect of censorship alana media. Make your visit go unnoticed and that the example of guerrilla president yesterday and today may not be emulated in a country like ours, tired of corruption, exploitation and intrigue.


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