Friday, October 8, 2010

Can I Have Nunchucks In North Carolina


The Nobel Prize is not only a prize for literary virtues. It is rewarding to him the writer who has contributed through a monumental work and excellent quality, the development of human consciousness. It is then not only through literary quality, but also the significance of the work. The what is said is more important how you say. Therefore, the Nobel is not a glorification of the signifier, but of meaning. believe that Vargas Llosa had to win the Nobel in 1971. He had achieved his highest level of production and contributed to a decisive change in Latin American literature. The writer was also critical to revolutionized the narrative structure, leading to their highest levels, the incorporation of literary techniques previously unknown in our tradition fiction. That was his first and brightest stage.

wrote the story book "Heads" in 1959 winning the Award Leopoldo Alas and allowed him to travel to Europe for the first time. His novel "The City and the Dogs" won the Biblioteca Breve Prize in 1962, the International Critics Prize in 1963 and translated into over twenty languages. In 1966 appears his second novel "The Green House" which won the National Critics Award in 1966 and the Rómulo Gallegos Prize in 1967. That same year he published the novella "Puppies" and in 1969 listed its fullest extent literary novel "Conversation in the Cathedral." In 1971 he published a study on the work of his colleague and friend of then "Gabriel García Márquez: Story of a deicide."

Since 1967 his relations with the Cuban revolution into crisis and their ideological convictions, too. That same year, Aideé Santamaría, founder of Casa de las Americas, asked Vargas Llosa donation Rómulo Gallegos prize money to the cause of Ernesto Che Guevara, who was already fighting in Bolivia. The hitherto comrade and brother of revolutionary Cuba refuses, despite Aideé promises to refund the amount so that his gesture celebrates the Che's guerrilla campaign. The split between the author and Casa de las Americas completed an extensive dossier of letters and articles that are showing their personal and subjective process of renunciation of socialism. This process occurs in stages, culminating in 1971 when, after having published the best analysis of the work of García Márquez, getting involved beating ends with the author of "One Hundred Years of Solitude." The penalty was also subjective: Vargas Llosa took from the publishers the right to continue publishing "The Story of a deicide" veto that they have built recently in 2008.

The second stage of involution. There is a decline in their literary virtues can be seen in the production of novels devoid of meaning. Transcendental themes gave way to the banality at the same time that Vargas Llosa expressed his alienation to the social demands of the forgotten and forgot their vocation critical of those in power.


banality cycle begins with "Pantoja and the Special" (1973), "Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter" (1977), the plays "La Senorita de Tacna" ( 1981) and "Kathie and the Hippopotamus" (1983). "Pantaleon" is a trivial novel for its theme, made for the comfort of the upper middle class ladies who wanted to read stories of whores. "Aunt Julia" has structural merits are worthy of praise, no doubt, but the story gets bogged down in experiential journalism and love let his aunt and ex-wife. The two nominated plays are brutal wrecks.

this cycle continues with "The War of the End of the World" (1981) making use unscrupulously to the works of Joao Guimaraes Rosas and Euclides da Cunha, why was not well received by the Brazilians. "Mayta History" is a lousy novel which seeks to portray the phenomenon through an interpretation subversive alien to the Peruvian reality. Is looking for a great novel about subversion, dead who promised: Manuel Scorza (Barajas air disaster, 1983). So says Miguel Gutierrez: "History may be that novel Mayta if its author had been able to tame the demons of hatred that motivated him to write it."

then continues with "The Storyteller" (1987), a novel promising until the reader encounters the existential extraliterary confession of its author. And there will come a brutal fiasco: "In Praise of the Stepmother" (1988). "Death in the Andes" (1994) is a download only of his demons of hatred against the Peruvian people. When writing "The Feast of the Goat" (2000), a novel anti-dictatorship over the period of the dictator Trujillo in the Dominican Republic, it was hardly conceivable in a country where the novel about the Trujillo had been the subject of more than 30 literary authors. He said the following: never have done on Somoza in Nicaragua or Pinochet in Chile.


was a trenchant and incisive anti-journalist, far exceeds Eudocio Ravines. Praised Pinochet's economic miracle, he spared no recognition of the dictatorship of Videla in Argentina and began serving the second Belaunde in Peru, presiding over the case Uchuraccay Investigating Committee absolved of blame to the military who ordered the slaughter of eight journalists in the community of Ayacucho. The Israeli state paid their sympathy with Zionism Jerusalem Prize giving. He returned to Peru to captain the right-wing campaign against the nationalization of banks in 1988, it was a prelude to his campaign for the presidency in 1990. The popular vote and seek an alternative candidate believed nisei find an engineer, Alberto Fujimori, who promised not to implement the economic shock, which Vargas Llosa was addicted. So the vote for Fujimori was only one vote against plutocracy that to win the plaza generated a childish reaction to the loser demolished his home in Barranco and opted for English citizenship, saying the error was our nations have become independent of Spain.

clarify that the tantrum was just a symbolic break: English nationality is not exclusive of Peruvian nationality. You can have both. But in context, had another meaning. That meaning can be seen most clearly in his works include: "The fish in water" (1993) and "Death in the Andes" (1994). The first makes a disqualification from Peru's electoral frustration, starting with a parricide against his biological father: "... the real reason for the failed marriage was not jealousy or evil character of my father, but the national disease par excellence, one that infests all levels and families in the country at all leaves a dew poisoning life of Peruvians: resentment and social complex. " The racial problem in Peru was the cause of his defeat. And what had been anticipated on the first page of his novel "The Storyteller" (1988): "I came to Firenze to forget for a while in Peru and the Peruvians and behold, the wretched country came to meet me this morning of the more unexpected. "
organic intellectual of neoliberalism, was applying for the Nobel, but never before was so far to win for the reasons explained.


In Madrid, 2005, a controversy erupted between Peruvian writers continued in the local media. Vargas Llosa opened the meeting in Madrid celebrating writers finally Peruvian literature was free of Indian status, and social demands neoindigenism. I did not know that 60% of guest writers were Andean. An optimist Caretas editor said, "before the writers were children of José María Arguedas, but now all we are children of Vargas Llosa. " Of course, I went out the front.

Vargas Llosa says in "The Story of a deicide" and reiterated in "The fish in the water," the young writer needs arise through a parricide, the murder of the literary father of the previous generation. This intention, which does not belong to all writers, revealed in his disqualification constant in life and work of José María Arguedas. On August 24, 1977 assumed as a member of the Peruvian Academy of Language and his speech was: "José María Arguedas, including frogs and hawks. For more appreciative that it was the form, content points to a single purpose: Arguedas fictionalizes a saw that does not exist. The lie became a reality thanks to the literature. This disqualification match the trial that a group of intellectuals made Arguedas in his last year of life. The author of "All the blood," wrote two documents on behalf of its credibility: "I have lived in vain?" And "I'm not acculturated." Already

"The fish in water", p. 345, Vargas Llosa makes the full download: "Ever since I hate the word" earthy ", wielded by many writers and critics of the time as the highest literary virtue and obligation of all Peruvian writer. Being quake meant to write a literature with roots in the land, natural scenery and Andean customs and preferences, and denounce the gamonalismo and feudalism of the mountains, the jungle or the coast, with gruesome stories of "misti" (white) that Estrup peasant who stole drunk authorities and fanatical priests who preached resignation to the Indians. "(...)" The word became earthy for me the emblem of provincialism and underdevelopment in the field of literature ... "(...)" ... such contempt for the way folk ... ".

In "The archaic utopia, José María Arguedas and the fictions of Indianism" (1996), from the label states the intention of the gravedigger who showed in his speech in Madrid, 2005. This article aims at a comprehensive analysis of this critical work. We have only a quote: "This does not mean that the Peruvian writers stop writing about topics or disappear Andean Indians in the Peruvian literature. (...) The exceptions-there-are of little literary significance, and so far at least, are there just to confirm the rule. " (P.175)

In a historical context of major clashes between farming communities and mining companies, with the death toll of Bagua, which includes the Amazonian nations, continues to occur literature that seeks to bury Vargas Llosa. And there is "little literary significance." Not to list a long list of writers who are not "exceptions", I reduce the commentary to the narrative of Socrates successful career Zuzunaga Huaita, Ayacucho Quechua-speaking, COPE winner before winning novel and Novel Prize Quechua of the UNFV. I say well: among others ...


"archaic Utopia" is an elegant stone to bury José María Arguedas, recognizing and commending virtues merit, but sentenced the validity and credibility as a witness to the struggles "the bottom." The only praise can surprise the unwary, but not to those who read this essay in response to their objective.

The novel of revenge for the electoral failure of 1990 was "Death in the Andes" (1994). If anything, Vargas blamed the Indian literature or telluric, was to have imposed a fiction that did not correspond with reality. But he has this flaw to its highest falsehoods on "Lituma." The Andean people is represented in a barbaric Lombrosian coarser unprovable by observation. Fictionalizes not literally the world of the poor, but that caricature. Unknown even basic details cultural manifestations of the Andean world, but he has not invented horrors. This novel, written with all the demons of hatred that Miguel Gutierrez stated value "Mayta History" (1985), is a huge mass grave in which it intends to bury alive 'uncivilized' that did not get the vote in 1990.

The real mass graves where hundreds of villagers were buried during the bloody Andean counter-insurgency campaign (1980-2000), not in its narrative. As the current Peruvian president, are third-class citizens. We understand your concern about the Museum of Memory and his resignation, to then fall into the hands of one of its most enthusiastic followers, as a tribute to his third stage: that of looking to win the Nobel Prize in the winter of its existence. Based on this objective interpret its reformulation of the Palestinian problem and later criticized the Zionist genocide. The Nobel could not be reached without amending the curriculum that distanced him from the defense of human rights and specifically approached right-wing dictatorships and pseudo democracies under which continue to perpetrate crimes against humanity.

In that sense, this is an opera buffa. For 30 years he ran for the Nobel and not get it, conservative institutions and right-wing press tried to compensate with prizes and awards to support high the prestige of a notorious spokesman of big business and transnational corporations. Now get the top prize, just when not needed. Andrés Avelino Cáceres and must have died in the campaign of Brena, not to be remembered for the bad government that did, Mario Vargas Llosa should have won the Nobel in 1971, at the height of his literary career, not their decline.


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