Thursday, October 14, 2010

Texet Memory Card Write Protected


Creoles also existed under the Chilean invasion sided "peace without preconditions," as long as the war of resistance did not compromise their interests. The double-sided, double-talk, were eerily similar to sanity and weight, compared to the rantings of radical and maximalist exalted. Who chose to survive on his knees was considered "smarter" than he would rather die standing. This dichotomy recurrent in our wars, is also manifest in the battle of ideas and the cumbersome field of intellectual production. Mario Vargas Llosa recently won the Nobel Prize for literature and we can not deny the right to joy to those who always took communion with his ideas. The reactionaries, neo-liberals, capitalists and their hangers of all kinds, why they cheer. Also men and women of good faith are not obliged to embrace the socialist cause and obey only his literary taste. What is surprising is that those who until recently said fight, now make an ominous break in their criticism to recognize "honestly" the triumph of an organic intellectual of savage capitalism. This attitude has nothing consistent chameleon and a lot of interest. ANECDOTES


I come to a point where the personal anecdotes are for illustration. Pardon the enemies of religious orders, but even smaller and insignificant, we have something to tell.

remember one afternoon in Havana, 1992, when we shared the table of the Hotel Presidente, El Vedado, in English vallejiano, Julio Vélez. Apart from July, was there a longtime compatriot and man of letters. The conversation turned to the issue of the V Centenary of the discovery of America euphemistically called "meeting of two cultures." And I said: What meeting? ... Collision! ... What should we celebrate? July

Velez lost his composure and air of "progressive friend of Cuba." He argued that pre-Hispanic empires had been much or more murderers that the English conquistadors. Under such circumstances, the conquest was the beginning of a long oppression but a liberation of barbarism and civilization company. My compatriot and great poet of "moderate left," said its agreement with Velez. Was even more convincing in his justification of genocide Hispanic. Term brother and I, as simple control of a reconciliation brothel. A few years later, this beloved poet "responsible left", led to official fujimontesinista dictatorship.

In 2008, these lands came Roland Forgues. Introduced in auditoriums and acquitted interviews to show that Jose Carlos Mariategui was "Trotskyist." His interviewers were celebrating the occurrence, and their academic hosts. I decided to hunt down and clear the error. I managed to locate it in the coffee bar Miraflores "Haiti." I sat there, the more fat than before, accompanied by a familiar friend narrator. I approached the table, sat down uninvited and started the controversy. The Forges of smugness was unbearable: he said that he himself had read Mariátegui, as nobody had done before and that very few people would be able to refute. The truth is that Forgues was not intellectually respectable to play Mariátegui, as I said, his reading was epidermal, but my countryman narrator giving support extreme credibility. A foreigner is always right. I pulled out my wallet "Figures and global aspects of life," where the Amauta says: "Trotskyism known theoretical radicalism can not be condensed into specific and concrete ways, in this area, Stalin and most, along with the responsibility of management, have a real sense of the possibilities. " With three or four more appointments, the blunder was destroyed. Forgues broke down and saved my Peruvian colleague bashful silence. Forgues was beating his chest with the palm of his hand saying, "I do understand Mariategui, I Mariátegui nobody discusses."

-Roland, who are you to teach us how to read Mariátegui Peruvians? -. I asked.

But he was pulling a thick wad of cash to pay the beers of the three. And I opposed, "Roland, my beer, I pay it myself. Save your money. "

When we parted, Forgues was upset and my colleague Lima, very nervous, hesitant between right and appropriate. The robust silhouette fading Forgues, our good narrator said in a confidential tone: "Well done, you will not allowed to pay for your drinks, you gave a lesson."

No room for more stories. The fact is that many of our intellectuals are willing to give forth the reason he does not, even against their own convictions and more public, provided a good impression and gain the benefits of their dissent: travel, invitations, lectures, internships , anthologies, publications, all paid the kindness of those who flatter them as unnatural. Opportunism is the currency.

comes to my mind the "thesis" of a notorious and brilliant writer, who prides himself a "communist" and even "Maoist" when he defended before a modest audience of his friendship with the historian Pablo Macera, before and after left unconditional official Fujimori dictatorship. "Hey teacher," I said while many of us were in jail or in exile, his friend gave legitimacy to the dictatorship and was traveling with the tyrant in the presidential plane. " Replied: "You do not know what is being over seventy years old and live in poverty." Le answered with a verse of Benedetti: "One thing is dying in pain and another to die of shame." And say no more ...

Now off MVLL Nobel Prize, the attitude in several hours and centered radicals reasonable today is no different. A Vargas Llosa does not like these double-sided attitudes and has been reported in several papers, for example with the bitter trial that makes Antonio Cornejo Polar and Julio Ramón Ribeyro, in "The fish in the water." With one hand, supposedly denied it. With another, or flattered, supposedly justified "by the circumstances." Not grant the privilege of certainty or will consider neutral MVLL testimonial, because I admire and Cornejo Polar fortiori to Ribeyro, but I want to make clear the position of the author of "History of Mayta."
THE WRITER IS A Vargas Llosa

not like to divide your work as a creator and his political thought. The same has demanded his son Alvaro to the press: the indivisibility of the subject that makes literature with their ideological convictions. Mariátegui, said: "The spirit of man is indivisible, and I duel this doom, but on the contrary, I recognize a need for wholeness and coherence. I declare that I bring to unscrupulous literary exegesis all my passions and political ideas "(7E). This event coincides beautifully with the theory of the demons of writer Mario Vargas Llosa. Chameleon
But one thing is the brilliant writer of novels and another is the right-wing politician. This is an untenable pose. Poets and writers "progressive" courtiers of the Embassy of Cuba and friends of the Casa de las Americas, overlooking Vargas Llosa attacks on Cuba, Nicaragua's Ortega, Chavez's Bolivarian Venezuela and Bolivia's Evo Morales, knowing better than anyone that the contents of his novels, in its second stage, have the same objective anti-progressive, anti-leftist, anti Indian, etc.

Álvaro Vargas Llosa, in the same line of father did not hesitate to insult with "The Perfect Latin American Idiot." I consider this work of Álvaro unjust, made six hands with Apuleius Plinio Mendoza and the militant anti-Castro Alberto Montaner (CIA). Why was not answered by those with the obligation from the same generation that participated in the battle of ideas of the Cold War? ... Antel is the answer in "The fish in the water" of Mario father. Seek and ye shall find. Another species unhealthy

floats in the air: anyone who dares to question the award-winning writer, is labeled, for three decades, as "jealous." MVLL said that Peru is a country where success not forgive. And not without reason, but not all those who question the novelist being contaminated by the deadly sin of envy. Some people have strong convictions, are few, but they are, no matter if it costs the intellectual ostracism and unemployment. The boundary in politics must be objective to be valid. But with a firm hand without fear of being stigmatized with a vulgar epithet that already commonplace.

The last answer, one that belies MVLL between the lines, is that some "progressive" intellectuals can not miss the opportunity to share, minimally, the success of the supposed enemy. How sincere are these "honest" awards?

Vargas Llosa is an organic intellectual of his political cause. Paraphrasing Vallejo contrario: military and writes simultaneously. But if the revolutionary intellectual, according to Vallejo, is one who writes and military simultaneously (See: "Art and Revolution") the left-wing writer must clearly demarcate the other side. Improper concessions to who leads the international reactionary world of thought, we must call it by its name: political chameleon who does not want to miss the delights of the party or look bad to many people who celebrated the victory.

As you said Manuel Gonzales Prada: break the infamous pact talk softly.


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