Monday, October 25, 2010

Fotos How To Fix Boats Floors


The Left continues living back in this great universe of workers and young students who can not find a place in their ranks or identify with a message that does not. As shown in 2nd photo. Meeting (10/23/1910) the public, in their vast majority, is made by people vastly greater. The board, as well. This picture is worth a thousand words. There is one left that still considers the electoral participation as the main form of struggle, but even so, he can do well. A left that does not take seriously the representation of all workers, is suicide. A left that is not renewed, is destined to die. Exists only for the naive hope. And faith in unprincipled alliances is already being defrauded in the case of Susana Villaran, with the near triumph of Social Force in Lima, but with the proposed shift to the right and the exclusion of the left.


There are four plants in Peru recognized: General Confederation of Workers of Peru (CGTP), Confederation of Workers of Peru (CTP), Workers' Autonomous Federation of Peru (CAT) and Confederation of Workers (CUT). But none of them can now proclaim itself as the defender of the rights of all workers. They are stagnant and immobilized by the triumph of neoliberalism and its fragmentation strategy of the working class.

During the ten years of Fujimori, fell by 76.3% the number of collective agreements. That is already a sufficient indicator that shows the infeasibility of the process under certain conditions. Currently, only 3% of employees are union members, while in 2001 was 5.2% in 1998, 7.7%, according to the Ministry of Labour records. The ILO estimates that 8% of the economically active population (EAP) is unionized. What that means is that 92% do not belong to a labor union.

We are far from the conditions in the national strike July 19, 1977, when the 30% of the Economically Active Population (PEA) was integrated into trade unions and high labor organization (CGTP) controlled 80% of these groups.

the past two decades, widespread outsourcing. That is, the contract through a third party, who do entrepreneurs and large corporations. So employment is temporary, but will never be safe, constant, returns, etc. Under the dictatorship of Fujimori and Montesinos were created more than twenty forms of employment which an employer may avoid their obligations to their workers, such as retirement contributions, social security, holidays and maternity leave. These formulas are also circumvent the eight-hour work accident insurance, burial rights and Sabbath.

Ten years after the dictator Alberto Fujimori was ousted by popular uprising, the legacy he left behind, in the neoliberal line precarious the rights of the working class has been ongoing for the past three democratic governments. " The much-vaunted "economic recovery of Peru" and the promotion of foreign investment are not based solely on the reduction of tariff rates in the disappearance of the state of the economy, but volatilization of labor rights.

However, the vast majority of working population under outsourcing contracts, is made by people under 25 years. What we see in many workplaces where unions are still present, is that unionized workers (who are a minority) are indifferent to the awful drama of recruits. There exists no class solidarity, but discrimination.


ONPE figures show, the young voting population sum 5'437, 419 (under 29) that is 28% of the voting population nationwide. According to the INEI and Organization International Labour Organization (ILO), 723 000 there are four million people younger than 29 years in the economically active population (EAP), approximately 31% of the labor force in Peru.

Metropolitan Lima only the unemployment rate among 15 to 24 years was 16.8%. And there are young people who choose to create their own jobs. Increasingly, those who, from age 20, start their projects.
"In Peru, the youth population is defined as persons between 15 and 29, according to law No. 27802 of the National Youth Council (CONAJU)." Well, in our country's youth represent 28.5% (7'442, 641 youth) of the national population census by the INEI in 2005. According to the ILO, in 2009, the highest proportion of unemployed persons is formed by young people. And as acknowledged by the JNE, more than six million young people nationwide exercise their right to vote in the upcoming 2011 elections.

So young workers are at an orphanage of political representation. Its leaders, when they arise, their days are numbered for expulsion. Detached from their workplaces, there is also a party to incorporate them into political activity. And if you go in search of the parties "actually existing" find no place to develop this activity.


The Guild of Construction, led by Mario Huaman, claiming to represent 110 000 workers. There is certainly a flat increase in employment in this sector, as the construction industry flourished under the government of Alejandro Toledo (2001-2006) who through the program "My House" prompted massive apartment buildings and houses in Lima and provinces . According to official figures, the sector doubled its current dynamics in the APRA government, which amounted to "My Home" other programs, construction, between August 2006 and December 2009, about 112.744 houses and apartments. . The growth of the sector was reinforced with sports infrastructure, hospital and road in Lima and Callao.

But common criminals gangs led from the prison, death threats require employers to pay 2 percent of the cost of the work, which would mean between 20 thousand and 200 thousand dollars. Another requirement is the payment of special bonuses "industrial peace" or compulsory recruitment of "ghost workers" who do not attend to work, but they charge an average $ 550 monthly. The workers also are blackmailed by the compulsory payment of $ 12 weekly, and who refuses to comply with the "tax" is killed. In the last six months of 2009, an estimated mafias employers and employees claimed one million 400 thousand dollars.

What we really mean this, is that a significant proportion of young workers in construction is at the mercy of gangs and that the union is not a valid reference. It also tells us something else: that if the general secretary Mario Huaman would be proposed to represent their sector in the electoral stage, would have serious difficulties. This crisis of electoral representation is multiplied in other employment sectors, such as SUTEP, estimated its members in number of 80 000, the National Federation of Textile Workers of Peru 4,000, the Union of Teachers in Higher Education in Peru (SIDESP) with 1,680 members and the Union of Telephone Workers with 1,500, etc.. It shows up in the gears, they are not there all that should be and that a large percentage of the EAP, especially younger ones, suffer from the syndrome of depoliticization. Demonstrated: the union leadership does not guarantee electoral success.


The traditional left parties have had sufficient time and sufficient to drive formula. The massive vote for Ollanta Humala, 2006, given a warning, as was the expression of segments of voters looking for a single candidate against neoliberalism. From 2006 until today, Ollanta has demonstrated its political weaknesses to the maximum extent indistinguishable from the right in many ways. But even with the limitations of an incompetent in speaking, ideology and controversy, it was a new face, a young figure, compared with recycled faces of "the usual suspects." And see the results in the first round:

Javier Díez-Canseco - Socialist Party of Peru: 0,417% (60,955 votes)
Alberto Moreno - New Left Movement: 0.232% (33,918 votes) Susana Villaran
- Coordination Descentralista: 0,520% (76,106 votes)
Ollanta Humala - Union for Peru: 25,685% (3'758 .258 votes)

Is it possible, then, that the left persists in the hasty improvisation pre-election and the perpetuation gerontocracy of charge? There is a well-worn path of defeat that is to re-edit again for stubborn fools, without the slightest self-criticism or amendments. Now, doors in 2011, hastened the pace and want to patch the huge forados of our actions, big black holes where the left has not wanted to be present. What will happen? ... It is foreseeable, nor with the wider unity we have a chance to jump the fence become the government, because that was planted before now we harvesting. Never too late to change, say the sages, even to do something decent by 2011 and serve for 2016, and when the old dinosaurs of bureaucracies annuities are relieved by a new generation willing to rebuild and recover organizations wasted space from 80 '. Journal


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