Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Anybody Wanna Finance For Ayurvedic Center

candidates tested

Drugs in Peru, and Colombia, being goods free circulation and consumption. Those who promise to legalize make comedy buffs, creating a moment of discussion to the delight of the conservative press. Promise to legalize that which is not pursued, is hypocrisy. And it is no coincidence that the two most famous narco-states in South America, are governed by faithful servants of imperialism, guaranteeing strategic and geopolitical balance the Yankees in the region.

The worst kind of hypocrites now require candidates for the forthcoming elections do medical tests to see if ever or recently consumed drugs. It would be difficult to prove that the negative result of this test in itself guarantee a candidate's morality. It would also be very difficult to show that if someone used cocaine in his bachelor party, is intended for this to be a leader reprobate.

Alberto Fujimori did not use cocaine, not marijuana, but he commanded one of the most corrupt dictatorships of our republican history. To the disease of power, suggest that invented the Corruptómetro, a detection device behavioral impulses that lead to the degeneration of the subject under review, one that promises to fight evil but to finish serving the big mafia.


Cocaine has been part of power from the early twentieth century. Oligarchic power holders have been visitors to the opium den, mixing with commoners Valdelomar poets like Abraham and the like. But cocaine market success of high birth, infiltrating through the cracks of government corruption and becoming a commodity for consumption ceremonial circles where decisions were made. Ambassadors Foreign officials, taking advantage of that customs are not reviewed diplomatic bags, pulled out their best gains of cocaine trafficking. From the 70's comes the rise of mass production and the Huallaga becomes the gold of drug trafficking in partnership with governments.

During the first phase of military dictatorship, headed by Maj. Gen. Juan Velasco Alvarado, had to suffer the fascist administration of Interior Minister Armando Artola Azcárate. The face of authoritarian power, was Artola. The best jokes gross Artola had as a character. The bloodiest repression velasquismo were ordered by Artola, with full knowledge of Velasco. The nationalist now Armacanqui Pedro, leader of FENEP (after SUTEP) was persecuted, imprisoned and deported by Artola. Ñique de la Puente, too. The killing of Cobriza and Huanta, etc. But the case that concealed Artola before history was the arrival of Santana and his band. Banned from the airport entrance, stepped off the plane, took off their shirts, not played on the stadium in San Marcos, but behind the scenes and in full runway, it was the largest cocaine shipment of republican history. Santana and his grouping were glad of Peru's San Marcos disarmed seats and burned part of the university stadium music that did not touch imperialist addicts Santana stayed with the curly facts and the revolutionary government of the armed forces was as "imperialist."

Gen. Francisco Morales Bermudez, dictator 1975-1980, was an efficient consumer of Scotch, but stated that her son Remigio trafficked cocaine to the outside simulating it in shipments of frozen shrimp. Remigio, during the first government of Alan Garcia (1985-1990), became more famous than when he was the son of military dictator and enjoyed total impunity. A president we saw her appear in Court, balconazos and galleries, giving speeches without hiding surrealist dolls and burning eyes and noses which produce the volatile alkaloid Andean dandruff. The adventures of Remi left after the darkness of power, like those of its chairman, guaranteed both by the neglect of a forgetful people, by the impunity and the prescription of offenses.

And nobody should forget that the big drug trafficker Carlos Lambert was caught off Acapulco, 1986, carrying on his yacht not only cocaine, but the henchman conspicuous Haya de la Torre, APRA's bodyguard Jorge Idiáquez. And let no one forget that if Lambert was the narco-financier of APRA in the 80's, also had his People's Action: Guillermo Dávila Cárdenas "Mosca Loca", arrested and tried in 1981.

remember that during the first mastiff, I worked in the House of Representatives where he arrived on a subject he knew before Callao, which surprised me. He confessed that he was the supplier of the deputies who ate high-quality cocaine. Also supplied the Senate. Indeed, at each closing of the legislature, there were few Founding Fathers who attended the toilet to "get the batteries." If you have never demanded that Enrique Chirinos Soto left the Chamber for drunkenness, it was because Don Enrique, alcoholic radical, knew the list of MPs who were and are hardened cocaine. This was Chirinos Soto who was crowned the most drunk of the parliament, without question.

High consumption of alcohol, like any drug, because of serious disturbances in consciousness that can lead to criminal conduct. Most violent crimes are perpetrated by emotion under the influence of alcohol. Power and drink are more long tradition that the power and cocaine. But just as prohibition in the 20 U.S. only produced the opposite effect, censorship of candidates with traces of cocaine in the blood of no use.

Does anyone cast the first stone?

Drug trafficking in Peru is in good health and still a solid business because the state is responsible for protect the interests of drug traffickers. Returning to Fujimori, it is not drugged, but co-govern with the drug companies who would charge the logistics of counterinsurgency battalions. Your advisor Vladimiro Montesinos, with the consent of the president, shared drug profits, and his brother James was the only one who really knew how much cocaine presidential plane had taken refuge in their wings.

Vice President Luis Giampietri, from the high towers of the Admiralty, have to know how every so often the Navy of Peru is caught in distant ports with a significant burden cocaine in their warehouses. Do not tell me this man go unpunished by the massacre at El Fronton in 1986 and lifetime employee of the Municipality of Callao for being "distinguished citizen" as Alex Kouri, who has not heard. Note that the white suit is a favorite with drug lords.

And the DEA? ... Please would be very naive to say that the U.S. DEA pursued drug trafficking. Rather, it seeks to neutralize other bands to have a monopoly. I always say that if American police work a serious, would end the entry of drugs through airports and U.S. ports.

While huge profits are generated by a business detrimental to the mental health of new generations, some are fixed in the hair of the candidates as if this comic caution would guarantee that "no drugs" will stop marketing. Already seen that the "carrots" are not interested in stemming the tide of corruption continues sweeping Peru. Rafael Rey Rey Ask if you are finished with drug trafficking within the Armed Forces.

That belongs only to those with a strong conviction to change the destiny of our country, even at the expense of their own lives and conspiring against the model of domination that takes refuge behind the mask a representative democracy that has had it longer. A democracy subject to the free interplay of supply and demand is a model that only guarantees the price of power, the perpetuation of the mafias and the sale of parliamentary seats. The narco-state is based on these freedoms can only be sanctified by the naive or those interested in big business.
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