Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What Medium Did Louis Wain Use

a day in Paris with ACD

Good morning!

much @ s As you know, last week made a fleeting trip to Paris and now I can finally tell you more about this visit carrying both time wanting to do that finally came true .

The adventure began at 7 am when the plane took off from Valencia and, somewhat less than two hours later landing in the cloudy City light :

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And more specifically, my steps were heading a very special building located in the 249, Avenue Président Wilson:

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this ancient seat of the newspaper's printing Le Monde are now headquarters a company that is sure to know too well:

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Vente Privée born 10 years ago in France and is engaged in the sale of stocks of major brands through the internet . Several years ago the company began work on Spain and, although I am user from the beginning (where I bought the most diverse things ranging from a beautiful Lamarthe bag for my mother to some of the great Leku kitchen products) and have always appreciated the care c on which all the work (pictures, trailers, etc ...), the truth is that I loved to know the company "inside" and so realize the awesome work behind something that apparently may seem as simple as selling over the Internet.

met offices Vente Privée some time thanks to an action in which they invited their facilities to several bloggers European and attended by some of my favorite bloggers as Patricia Shopaholic or Navy our beloved and world famous Condesa .

Thanks to the posts they published then, I discovered that VP office was not an office to use but it was a very special place where contemporary art and creativity floated in the air.

Works David Lachapelle, Ron Arad, Andres Serrano , Vassilakis Takis, David Match ...

I was dying to know this place!

And on Tuesday, finally, my wish came true:

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This hall is certainly the image that had strongly impressed upon my mind before going to Paris and may be "soul" of this building that soon I'll show you.

This space has its origins in ancient use of the building stood here and the main machinery of the printing. The triple height been preserved resulting in a very interesting space, in addition to hosting the first of many works of art we'll see in the course of today (as Takis Vassilakis helical sculptures or Inmes gorilla skull Match David pendant, created based on metal hangers) , sew the three floors of the building "Wilson I" .

Ascending the main staircase we reached the first floor that surrounds the hollow of the triple height, consists of a series of rooms and some interesting open spaces meeting like this little library:

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Climbing plant we come to the area sales department that also flushes towards the central area of \u200b\u200b hall and where, in addition to donkeys full of clothes going from one place to another and the huge David Lachapelle the back of the room, I loved the role of Pink (color par excellence Vente Privée) in the impressive deck lighting and the beautiful Smeg fridges dotted all over the building and that I attest that employees can put to good use;)

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Following our tour of the building, where we cooked one of the most important of PV: the coordinating sales .

In a succession of large areas find some storage areas (Here, even the stores are lit by lamps and have beautiful orchids in the corners!) and distributed by country, the work areas of the sales department.

Of course, I could spend a great time in the "English zone" where Candela, Laura and Neus were incredibly kind and taught me what exactly the job of coordinating each sale. Thanks get up to this work that each point making up the action (products, images, video, music and so on) seamlessly translate the idea each brand is scheduled to conduct the sale of their products.

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After the sales floor, we reached the space occupied by graphic designers carrying out all work related to the image of each sale:

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And later, following the picture, we went up "L'agence" which is the department that coordinates all matters relating to corporate image of the company. From the graphic Site to design VP offices in the six countries where it works (the latter is one of the ones I liked the visit. The leopard never changes hill, I suppose;)

addition, there I could see more closely the great racks of skulls present in almost all office spaces (I want to a similar) and, of course, admire the David Lachapelle second day:

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After "L'agence" went down to the area of \u200b\u200b studies where you create all the music VP.

Music? You may ask ...

Yes. It turns out that each trailer (which we see before starting a lot of sales) is mounted with 100% original music created by composers VP always consistent with the type of mark and product that is working.

For example, it may be more electronic signature contemporary furniture design, or something more classic for a jewelry brand "with character." In fact, I see the whole process of creating the soundtrack of the trailer of a sale of Swarovski and as its creator (Jean Réole) was explaining all the steps from the first idea of \u200b\u200bthe melody completely adjusted to the latest video arrangements, more impressed every time I imagine the trabajazo behind all this.

The truth is that I never would have imagined!

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And finally a visit to "Wilson I" left the building by the "accueil" .

The hall access for employees that, far from the boring place where tab (as in many places) here is a museum full of stunning artwork . Of course, you can not deny that Jacques Antoine Granjon (President founding VP) is one of the largest patron of contemporary art of France.

Can you imagine going to work each day through a small museum?

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And although already left the main edficio office, the visit was not done yet by any means. We still had to know the Digital Factory . The gleaming new VP photo studios that occupy a former factory also located in the Paris suburb of La Plaine Saint Denis, where he has moved the bulk of the company's photographic work.

The Digital Factory, the whole interior is the same scheme of the main building : facilities views, neon pink, Smegs the halls but here, in addition, photography breathed in the atmosphere .

In a large hall a giant grid organizes the myriad shoots that take place over a day. And in VP have to shoot from the photos sales (the more descriptive you see when you buy the product) to those that make up the catalog of photographs or video presentation of a sale that constitute a real fashion production fledged.

There I visited the impressive studies (those with natural light are truly wonderful) , I almost went crazy when entering the store photographic material (since all the material for the sessions put it to VP, between sessions, there is some uniformity) and I attend a casting models (could not be more perfect!) and a pair of shootings ...

completito What a day!


And, after our interesting journey, mascot Vente Privée farewell from the door wishing us a happy day.

Better yet? ;)


But before you dismiss my story in Paris, can not miss a large section of thanks :

With Gosia for making this trip possible and of course for joining me and being the best ambassador of VP.

I do not know how to thank you for your always impeccable treatment and how well I had fun!

And, of course, thanks to Isabelle, Jean Réole, Carlos, Candela, Neus, Laura and all that, somehow or other, had a kindly give us some of their time (And especially Neus Laura and I got the great joy of the day to tell me they were faithful readers of the blog and, if that were not enough, waiting for me with a precious gift. More majas that pesetas! ;) .

Muchíiiiisiimas thank everyone for being part of this special day unforgettable.

If I could even share an excellent French food and a pleasant sitting next to the very Paloma de la Vega !

And with all the "homework" facts had to return home :


But do not think that I turned the vacuum!

I brought some gifts for you @ s :

cheques VP

5 checks € 50 each to spend on Vente Privée and that'll give away between let everyone a comment on this post indicating your email (you know that the mail is indispensable requirement to locate the winners) later You have until next Thursday; 3 March.

I hope you enjoy this little surprise ending and who decides to participate!

And now, if you have the strength after the world's longest post, tell me ...

What do you think about the visit?

Can you imagine that there might be something behind Vente Privée?

Big kiss and see you tomorrow


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