Friday, February 18, 2011

Why Does Iron Make Ur Poo Black

Rama could go to jail 2 years (The country of Montevideo)

Rama could go to jail more than two years

Case. Handwriting test will be on Tuesday, should remain hospitalized in rehabilitation


Jorge Rama can not leave the country and should remain detained and isolated in a clinic for addicts in Montevideo. The crimes could be prosecuted the former partner of Susana Giménez involving more than two years in prison.

The extensive expertise on the handwriting test by Jorge Rama on Thursday at the Criminal Court of 14 ° Time ready, in principle, on Tuesday. Judge Adriana de los Santos could happen the same day the case to the prosecutor, Mirtha Guianze, who must decide whether or not prosecution asked for the case.

Judicial sources told El Pais that besides Rama, are committed to the three businessmen who had checks: Stanley Benhayon, which belongs to the category of liquor and had a check for $ 70,000; David Bergazín, entrepreneur automotive and leather item, which had a $ 200,000, and Luis Apodrian, former owner of the local dance Jet and current owner of a local Pocitos, he received a check for $ 40,000.

Declarations of Ra-ma and employers are some contradictions. The first says that the host Susana Gimenez Argentina was not aware of their operation. Employers, meanwhile, insist that the diva did have knowledge.

addition, Rama said that those checks had been informed of the theft and forgery of signature on a meeting held in the lawyer's office of his father, before employers begin civil trial against Argentina diva .

"If it is found that things were as Rama said employers committed a crime of unlawful use to start Giménez a civil suit against the knowledge that she had not signed those checks. Anyway, if there are several indictments likely will not occur all at once, "said the source.

also explained that if Ra-ma is processed must meet more than two years in prison because crimes (theft and forgery) imply prison and were reiterated. "How, exactly, but the judge should determine if two or more years in prison," he added.

Rama said to have forged checks for employers as "pressured" to borrow money to pay they had done and personal checks bounced. Also referred to by the "control" who lived at the time of his addiction to cocaine. While the court case is ongoing Jorge Rama is admitted to a clinic for addicts in Montevideo. The employer is prohibited from leaving the country and must remain at the medical center 24 hours a day.

Treatment involves, as could know the country, that Rama is isolated from the outside, meaning it can only have contact with other inmates, staff and staff physicians.

In the Criminal Court of 14 ° Time, Rama also said that purchase 25% of the economic rights of the players Nicholas Loder, Santiago García, Facundo Maximiliano Calzada Píriz and was made with checks themselves.

EXPERTISE. Argentina diva lent itself to a calligraphic expertise in Montevideo on 11 November. The study determined that his signature was forged.

On Thursday, his former partner George Branch also conducted a test to determine if indeed it was he who completed the checks, who gave him the dates and who made the endorsements with the signature of his father, Jorge Rama.

As stated in the judicial source told El Pais, a skill handwriting are considered general aspects of the writing of the person.

The pace and speed of signature, the stroke, the pressure on the paper, so he begins to write and how it ends, are the aspects considered and evaluated in the analysis. "Each person has their own personality that is scriptural and what is stated in a skill," he said. Rama


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