Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What Is The Best Laptop Brand Name

interview Dante Castro Carla Moreno and Drug

CASTRO TO THE Arrasco Castro is not only a writer, teacher and journalist, but above his intellectual capacity, is a militant of the revolutionary left. It started with their first experience of adolescent militant in the cause of the proletariat, participating in the insurgency that toppled the dictatorial General Morales Bermudez. Then it was on a student leader of the two universities where he studied at Catholic University and Universidad Mayor de San Marcos. Was representative of the FEP to the Latin American Continental Students Organization (OCLAE) based in Cuba. The liberation struggle of our people led him to participate in revolutionary movements elsewhere, and then dump those experiences in direct action here in his homeland.

As a writer has emphasized the literature leading to the voices of the forgotten and marginalized, the exploited and social activists. In line with Mariátegui, Vallejo and Arguedas, has won national and international awards without compromise or give budge off the provocative offers from major publishers. Cuba earned him the Casa de las Americas Prize, just as the dictatorship of Fujimori and Montesinos sought to reduce it to an inhuman prison conditions. It was so sought asylum in the country of Fidel and Camilo, until he could return to Peru. And it came to literary bohemia, but to help organize the popular protest against the dictatorship and training cadre schools where young people have spent many who now plays on the left.
As a teacher, for thirty years, reading plans that build the capacity of reading comprehension, reading habit and also raise awareness about the national reality. Many graduates of schools promotions are named in the Quechua language at the suggestion of a teacher committed to his people. And more than six school promotions and college bear his name. This is a teacher who has left an imprint on their students, but has been opposed by those who impose the ministry's plan to alienate the younger generation. Now

bases will require political organization representing the interests of people struggling against neoliberalism through a nomination to Parliament. Thus Dante Castro running for Parliament in the list of National Awakening, with No. 15. We granted the interview:

CM. Why do you encourage them to join a list to Parliament?

DC. - It was an offer of fellow revolutionaries participating in National Awakening and mandate of my organization, the ML-19. There are social activists in the party who sacrificed everything to try to change our history. Quasi-Franciscan poverty of our candidates is a test of honesty. Appeal to the people for their modest contributions to the fulfillment of this desire to represent their interests in the political debate.

CM. Why are you opposed before electoral participation?

DC .- This is not true. We opposed the unconditional participation. We have seen what happened to the left with Susana Villaran. We have seen how nationalism led to Mekler, Gustavo Espinoza and Torres Caro parliament. Vote by vote is like talking about the drive for unity.
The ML-19 attempted to engage with advanced countries in 2006 and we signed up for it. Recently we try to participate in elections pushing the candidacy of Alberto Pizango, after the popular insurgency in Bagua. He was a candidate who embodied and represented the popular insurgency, to the revolutionary road to power. As such, we formed in APHU making available all our capabilities in terms of a revolutionary turnout. It appears in our press and on posters taped to Lima. But we were marginalized by the same "advisors" who have aborted candidacy Pizango. When we realized that we discriminate in the use of the word, which we excluded from committees where we had previously registered and that they were sabotaging Pizango Apu, we retired to devote to the work of bases, where we have always been good. Suddenly the Patria Libre colleagues invite us to National Awakening, evaluate and approve such a possibility.

CM. How did you meet Ricardo Noriega Salaverry, candidate Presidential National Awakening?

DC .- At the invitation of fellow very close to our cause, we could hear the proposal of Ricardo Noriega until November. This is not a closed subject, but someone willing to listen and accept different unit. It is important to the attitude and character who make policy. Pizango was passive, was absent, did not meet their commitments. Noriega is the opposite: proactive, energetic and fulfilled. The place that gave us the National Awakening is suitable to continue to grow as an organization, without limitations or conditions.

CM. Why not join the left?

DC .- I participated in efforts unit since I started the military in a revolutionary organization. After the historic National strike of July 19, 1977, the village chiefs are required to drive. The unity of action is what makes the foundation for political unity. That was how the first efforts appeared Drive: UDP, FOCEP, UNITE, to totalizing formulas such as ARI and later thwarted the successful UI. We can not demand to join the left margin of the particular task, without stating the tactical or strategic objectives, without providing democratic mechanisms that allow the unit.

CM. Are you talking about there are no democratic mechanisms?

DC .- Sure. The primaries to elect the candidate of the poor, the candidate of unity, it is extremely necessary. Unable to accept arbitrary impositions. One way of arbitrariness is that someone who does not impose revolutionary course you drive on your application. Another way is that "the usual suspects" to decide on the bases. If you look at the "family portrait" of the left, you'll see that there are faces that have been repeated since 1978, missing only those who have died. If you investigate to "the usual" you'll notice that many are responsible for liquidating the left to reduce it to less than 1.4% voting. Liquidated their own parties and refusing to democratize, as long as the power reserve decision on the membership. The absence of democratic mechanisms impossible to structure a broad front of left.

CM. And on what basis the arbitrariness of the warlords?

DC .- The class struggle is reflected within the political parties. And its base is economic. The warlords are the owners of the economy of the match, the workers and servants of the left are destined to work and obey. Many of those we designate as "the usual" living document receiving state, ie to have retired earned the same salary as members of parliament. Others are owners of NGOs and companies in the game. Whether for one reason or another, mighty gentleman is Don Money. Who has money, commands. Who does not, comply or longer.

CM. I guess people need to know that you can decide something ...

DC .- Exactly. Thousands of leftists, those who built the foundations that made IU for example, needed to be participants in the decisions of their parties. If the Congress party had been widely democratic basis and could promote their leaders, they would have had a healthy inner life. But if they participated in conferences rigged, if you were delayed plenaries, if plotted fraudulent re-election, people felt let down and frustration after years of denying deserted. The brain drain of the left has been spectacular. Since the division of UI and the stupidity of giving the vote to Fujimori, the defections was unstoppable bleeding. The no alternation in power, frustrated the generational and opened a gap unnecessary. Renew knew right boxes, the left has done everything possible because there was such a renewal.

CM. What do you propose this?

DC .- It would be very easy to talk of democratization on the left. But for that, first, we should have a right. We with forging a name: the revolutionary left, working politically on bases with young workers and students. We come to represent rural bases, but we agree with paintings and communities working in rounds. Our work points to the long term. We had to rescue the ideology of the proletariat in the midst of the storm of neoliberal triumphalism, the supposed "death of ideologies" and the hackneyed "end of history." Where the traditional left faltered, we showed up. Where the old dinosaurs ordered the retreat, we decided to move slowly, gradually, without haste. The habits of democracy within our own Organizations must distinguish ourselves from the other left who did not practice. Rescued the slogan of the sub-commander Marcos in Chiapas: "We must learn to govern by obeying."

CM. Why should we vote for you?

DC .- Waterfront sweeping advance of neoliberalism, someone has to propose an uncompromising struggle against this brutal system of domination. I see that other proposals from the field of naive popular pecan and comply with a platform of offerings that go beyond humanize capitalism, which is impossible. If I have the necessary flow of votes to enter parliament, not go to that Chanchera to reconcile, but to be a spokesman intransigent interests of the working class. And the people know what to vote for individuals who then remain passive in their seat. Commissions of inquiry into corruption and human rights also need our participation, also must strive to introduce bills that support the people. The revolutionary left is distinguished not only by the strategic task force but also by their methods of participation in the bourgeois parliament.

CM. You're a writer, journalist and teacher ... represent your colleagues in the three fields?

DC .- As a journalist, I remember with sorrow to the martyrs of Uchuraccay, the murder of Melissa Alfaro, my colleague, the disappearance of Jaime Ayala and many other colleagues who have not done justice. The journalists remain unprotected labor and also politically. In Peru there is no freedom of expression and security for journalists.
As a writer, I'm tired of attending funerals of poets and authors for which there is nothing to pay their final resting place. Embarrassing cases such as Alejandro Romualdo, Cesario Martinez, Paco Bendezú, Bacacorzo, etc. They make us think about the need for laws to protect workers from the literature. Merits an author comes to the elderly without health insurance or pension or death certificate. There is no state fund to finance publications, there is no public tenders to sponsor national awards for poetry, fiction or theater.
As a teacher I have thirty years of humiliation and I can represent the ordinary teachers living on starvation wages, temporary contracts and educational plans submitted by absurd that only limited in the practice of teaching. We pay poorly, most private schools do not fulfill their obligations, cheat the teacher, but as if this were not enough, do not let us teach. There is no education policy in Peru and tax programs are only designed by imperialism to abort future generations without social conscience, not culture-free and overall national identity. We need a comprehensive reform of education with the participation of all sectors involved in educational work.

CM. Would you be willing to defend the SUTEP?

DC .- As a disciple of Horacio Zevallos Gámez, I repeat one of his stanzas of poems Joys of the prison: "Lord, in your book is written, control is an order not to betray." SUTEP defend all the outrages that machinery has been launched to discredit the right and their henchmen. One of these is Nicholas Lynch, now a candidate of nationalism. This man does not know what it is to live with the salary of a teacher. This man wields the bourgeois theory of "meritocracy" and around it should be a self-assessment or examination. The twisted assessments imposed on teachers, are the result of his suggestions when he headed the Ministry of Education, a legacy that has collected APRA Minister Chang. Lynch wanted to wipe out the SUTEP and his Chilean ancestry swept Chorrillos. SUTEP propose the unit not only to fight for better wages, but also to propose a comprehensive reform of education. SUTEP has been overlooked by the caviar reformism and bourgeois nationalism. It is up to represent the revolutionary left.

CM. For now, thanks mate Dante ... I re-interviewed on specific issues ...

DC .- I am at your service, partner ...


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