Sunday, March 20, 2011

Fotos Tiffany Granath

Susana Note where I also named in Profile 3

SUSANA GIMENEZ "I'm in a more spiritual phase"

diva talked about all the issues. His return in May to 20.30 on Sundays, his love for ever more poor people that her sexual intimacy and its current stage of withdrawal. The memory of his mother and his stardom.

By Ana Seoane

Show. Susana taken for granted that Antonio will Gasalla. And Marisa Badia?

As a celebration for Women's History Month, the magazine put together the day Susana "Women with passion." Later shared the Chilean psychologist Pilar Sordo, Puerto Rico, the sexologist Alessandra Rampolla ("has a fabulous face," said the hostess, which did not seem to bother him look rather like a model) and the comedian entrerriana Maju Lozano. The coordination of this table was provided by the director the monthly art that bears his name: Susana Giménez.

Both the very short press conference he gave after the chat with fans and in front of them, also confirmed he will return to television in May and Antonio Gasalla will be heading. "I can not live without it," he said. When a movilera approached him with an ashtray to bless him, Gimenez said, "No, I threw a box." When the definitions in front of a camera, said: "I am a passionate, hardworking, essentially free. I intend to do harm to anyone, brighten the lives of people and be a good person. " Acknowledged: "I flee always men, although sometimes later ... Life is too short and we must be happy, in what one can. Know that people do not change, especially at some point in life. "

Almost alone in front of that crowd who adored her, Susana Gimenez was more vulnerable and are allowed to testify many truths, not very aware of the writers who swarmed in the audience. "When someone tells me how nice hair," he said, will clarify that I have extensions. If you do not say, I think it would be an egomaniac. "When the Chilean psychologist said he was wearing the dress that was very cute, Susan added: "But it is equal to Alessandra!". In this talk women prevailed both laughter and tears. "Humor is a gift-Giménez said. Some people are born more bitter and want is not funny. Looking around the world, we see the feminine power. "

Topics slipped education and how parents should act today. "Can not believe it," said she, now there are kids who say they are bored with everything they have: PC, PlayStation, cell phones and more ... drank water before, except on birthdays, they gave us drinks. I spent my holiday in Cordoba and my parents told me during nap time not to make noise, and although we did not sleep quietly played. Now those are bad parents, it is as if they were afraid the kids. Everyone goes to a psychologist! What is it? "

Another sensitive issue was that of the photos:" We want to see the pictures and are all within a camera. I liked the black and white photos. " The laughter that woke this comment is associated with another word that many thought, but nobody said: Photoshop.

The strongest tracks were made by Rampolla, about all anal sex when she spoke at the beginning of relationships. "Oh, well, yes, but after that," he said with a face Giménez little excited. Was also surprised when the same expert spoke of sadomasochistic games, where the couple used as belts and other items. "Really? I did not know! "Confessed Susan.

"I think women have less patience, less tolerance than before. I do not mean for you, "he said to Alessandra, who just got divorced, ... Marriages do not last, make huge party and then separate ... "

" Always I tell people: one is the architect of his destiny, if you would like and want much this happens. It happened and it happened to them (said to his fellow board). We must fight, work for it, but fixing what one wants. We all have different dreams. I believe in destiny and in the cabal. "

When it opened a dialogue with readers, Susan could feel the unconditional admiration awake. There were tears and many declarations of love.

From topics such as cancer to the inability to show affection to their loved ones, everything was the subject of confession to the driver. Even a wizard asked him to invite her to sing tangos in its program, almost like a section of "fulfilling the dream of my life." Giménez repeated several times, almost like a magic formula: "Try to be happy, life." Your number one fan, Lorna Irina Gemetto, could not miss and asked how she felt after what had happened, referring implicitly to the scam checks, by his now ex-partner when Jorge Rama forged signature , already tested and recognized by him. "I try not to be stirring the muck all day and things I slip. When this happened, happened, life is, there worse. (One fan yelled, "Phoenix.") Try not to gloat with evil and horrible things that happened to me and happen to everyone. We do not have a life different from others, life is tough for everyone, but different. I try to find a lesson of what happens to me and do not seek revenge. Now I want to be alone without a man, the rest of my life (laughs). "

There was a remembrance of her mother (Mary Louise Sanders): "We were very close, especially when I began to grow, at age 28. Back when I was very young, I did suffer a lot. Now that I have not, give it all that was beside me again. Nobody want in the world than a mother. He used to call her when he finished the program and now is the strange horrors. "

"Sometime in your life you imagined with this reality?" Maju Lozano questioned. "I do not know much because I am humble," said Susan earnestly, "but I always wanted this. I worked hard, but I was lucky, there is a destiny. Everything influences. The truth, I must say that I looked. "

" What you need to learn? "Asked Alessandro. "Whenever you keep learning until the day of your death-confessed Giménez. I'm in a more spiritual phase. Read texts that make me well. I like being alone with nature, with plants and with my dogs. There are lots of things I do not care that much. I buy clothes and shoes for television, but at home I'm in jeans and sneakers. I learned to be alone with myself and I am happy, very happy. I need to learn to live with someone, have a partner. You take me as a failure of couples who had, but I love the more men and the more I love, the better. But I must learn to endure. I am a self-sufficient woman, I like to do what I please, and travel. I can not imagine asking for permission. I had a young man. I almost always fell in love poor men. My first marriage was difficult, came the creditors, was a disaster and I left it. "

risked Chilean psychologist:" What would you ask Susana Gimenez?. " "I think if he was happy and if it was worth. Because to have the career that I must leave aside much, especially for last forty years, being almost always on the crest of the wave. I had no children, not married, correcting me: "Sorry, yes I married ... twice ... (laughs )"-... But it was worth all the effort. "


Return to 'CQC' neighbor

Susana Giménez
itself eludes precise definitions of what their program this 2011, and the reason is that everything is still in the stage of negotiations. Was learned that, amid the many changes in the grid that generated Tomás Yankelevich, one would directly affect the diva-in which was a producer, Gustavo Yankelevich: CQC, the traditional program Cuatro Cabezas, will be on Sundays at 23 , which will become the neighbor of Susan, and, of course, will benefit from the rating.

On the side of the program itself, but it still did not achieve Antonio Gasalla contact, take for granted to be in the game. Another that would add is Martin Bossi-proclaimed fan of Susanna with a character that would talking. Upon closing of this note, there are two unknowns for anything less: on the one hand, if the policy requirements will allow Miguel Del Sel continue participating in the show, and on the other, an even greater: if the detached Marisa Badia-programmer Telefe-reprise his role as producer.


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